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Messages - Cyrano

Pages: [1]
Suggestions / Re: Alternatives to Lockpicking/Hacking
« on: July 22, 2020, 04:47:23 pm »
I do agree it would be interesting to have an alternative, I personally like the idea of just being able to blow up lockers/boxes with explosives and risk losing non-plot items that might be inside. It would be an okay tradeoff for not having the requisite skills normally needed to open them. I also agree, however, that it would add an unnecessary level of complexity to the game, as the guy above already pointed out you have plenty of skill points to spare so at the very least you should have enough points for one of the two skills anyways so it would probably be redundant.

This is clearly going to be a very divisive update. Don't you agree it would be a better idea to introduce this as an option for players rather than a requirement, like oddity/combat exp is, since it's such a massive overhaul of already preexisting mechanics that have been in place for years? This would render characters (like mine) that people (like me) have over 60 hours of playtime in basically useless because we didn't spec ourselves out with these mechanics in mind. For its own game mode I think this is all fine and dandy but I think it's super unfair to players to bust out such a major overhaul in a game that isn't even in early access when you can sink such a massive amount of time into the game on one character.

I'm currently on my first character and after 60 hours I would honestly be pretty pissed off if a random overhaul just rendered her useless or made her any weaker than she already is tbh, I would be demotivated to make a new one just to get back to where I was in the story because I got hardlocked since suddenly I can't use half my abilities. I also agree with people saying this would discourage psi hybrids, it's a very strict new set of mechanics and in my case a 4 will 5 int squishy psi monk would suddenly not be able to survive a lot of situations that they previously would barely be able to scrape by.

I mean if that *has* to be pushed on players then at the very least is there a way to skip out once it leaves experimental? I got it on steam so idunno if that's even a possibility.

also I really don't like the choice to give Force Field HP only due to the fact that enemies can already shoot *through* it if it's placed diagonally or if they're standing diagonally facing the player. I mean there's literally a whole ass wall in front of them but somehow they can shoot through it and I can't, so unless that gets fixed first it'd really risk making that ability not worth using in too many situations.

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