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Messages - Operative85

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Josh Culler Appreciation Post
« on: August 04, 2020, 07:28:01 am »
Hi everyone this is Josh, thanks for the compliments..  Underrail was really fun to work on.  Post-apocalyptic industrial music is in my top favorites, especially when its themed around sci-fi elements and other strangeness.

Im still working with Dan at Blue Bottle games as well, and I already completed the soundtrack for his next game Ostranauts a while ago - once its released on Steam the OST will also be on sale as well and it also includes a full bonus album of material .. the steam link for the game is here:

If anyone has questions or comments about other projects, please feel free to email me!

Oh boy, you worked with BBG too? That gives you points on my book! Kudos and keep making your music!

General / [Spoilers] Need help with a certain faction's relationship
« on: August 04, 2020, 07:25:46 am »
Is there a way to do edit my relationship with the Faceless? Not willing to play through the entire game again just so I can get a "perfect" (for me) ending, but I am willing to learn how to edit this.

The official unpacker sadly does not work with the latest version, and unpacking the global.dat file and editing it with Notepad++ only shows the names of the flags, but not their values.

Would appreciate any help on this. Thanks.

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