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Messages - kardfett

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Sorry, I should add more details. I'm running on Windows 10, using the experimental patch ( through GOG, not that that should matter. I'm playing in windowed mode.

Exactly what the subject says. I'm playing a non-psi character and thought I'd get cheeky, but it consistently crashes the game when I chuck a frag grenade at the mysterious pillars in the Silent Isle. I'm curious if anyone else can duplicate this crash. To be clear, the explosion has to hit the mysterious pillars, I've had missed grenades explode without actually hitting it just fine.

Builds / Re: First time player AR tank build viability check
« on: August 19, 2020, 04:29:37 pm »
Thanks for the feedback all!

If you don't have much time I would recommend playing on normal to start. Build is all over the place, don't mix sledge hammer and AR on your first build, take only AR and support / tank feats. There are plenty of builds around there in this forum you can template from.

In my head, I was thinking that I needed some amount of melee capability for enemies who were really good at sticking on me. I know some games make it so larger ranged weapons, like sniper rifles obviously but sometimes large machine guns too, were really bad at close range, but it sounds like that's not an issue here. What I'm gathering is that I really don't even need to invest in melee skill points, let alone feats.

So nobody gonna tell him that investing in dodge and evasion is meaningless because he'll have high armor penalty? Oh, nevermind, I did.

I don't think that is true. On normal, dodge and evasion can work even with 60% tac vest and take off a bit pressure (it's not like OP is pressed for skill points). For a new player, why not? Also adds the potential to wear a 10% armor penalty vest and be a bit more mobile, so OP could experiment what suits them better. With the investment in melee I'd probably also go for AGI 6 and take Sprint. I don't think OP needs a completely min-maxed build ;)

I appreciate both of these lines of thought. I wasn't sure if having no dodge/evasion would absolutely screw me early game before I could get good armor. I'll probably try dumping my AGI completely for more CON to get some better tank/support feats. DerivativeZero is right though, I'm not terribly concerned about min maxing, so long as I'm not so far off the mark that I can actually complete the game.

Adding psi can be helpful, but build complicate your plan if you don't want to investigate too much. Not mandatory for tin can AR tho.

I am curious, are psi abilities worth it when trying to make a tank character? Doesn't it reduce your HP by 20%?

Thanks for the suggestions and feedback all,


Builds / First time player AR tank build viability check
« on: August 19, 2020, 04:34:35 am »

As the title says, this is my first time playing UnderRail. I actually played a stealthy crossbow person a little bit of the way through like a year ago, but I didn't really get that far, and I found myself annoyed at having to worry about popping in and out of stealth. I've found I don't really care about being as completionist in games as I used to be, as I have much less time to play them. For that exact reason, I would like to ask before I get too far in if this is a viable build. I just want to go in guns a' blazing and tank whatever I can't kill quickly.

I would love suggestions, both on the build specifically or if there's a playstyle/weapon focus that anyone would recommend. I'm a little hesitant to do psi builds because I feel like that's a lot of abilities to keep track of, but I'm open to hear people's recommendations. I made the build up to level 20 because I don't have the DLC (I'd like to see if I can even beat the main game first before putting more money into it), but I honestly have no idea how far out I should plan.

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