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Messages - nyahs

Pages: [1]
General / OST on Spotify ?
« on: January 04, 2021, 10:27:56 am »

I would love to see the OST on spotify. It is not practical to listen to it on youtube or elsewhere and being on spotify it will pay the author.

General / Re: Josh Culler Appreciation Post
« on: August 20, 2020, 06:31:09 pm »
I love
Hi everyone this is Josh, thanks for the compliments..  Underrail was really fun to work on.  Post-apocalyptic industrial music is in my top favorites, especially when its themed around sci-fi elements and other strangeness.

Im still working with Dan at Blue Bottle games as well, and I already completed the soundtrack for his next game Ostranauts a while ago - once its released on Steam the OST will also be on sale as well and it also includes a full bonus album of material .. the steam link for the game is here:

If anyone has questions or comments about other projects, please feel free to email me!

I love your Underrail's OST. I hope one day we could listen to it on Spotify

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