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Messages - Geomir

Pages: [1]
Great! Good to know! Now it's up to me to decide if I am going to try a stealth melee assassin, or a stealth crossbow assassin. Thanks for letting me know that this build is still great, even after the last patch.

Builds / Re: In search of sneaky crossbow/traps builds
« on: September 16, 2020, 12:39:11 pm »
New player here. I would like to enjoy this indie gem even if my free time is very limited.


Thank you for posting this screenshot. This was exactly what I was searching for. A pure crossbow stealth build ("pure" here means no grenades or psi). With this build can someone craft and repair all the basics he is going to need, right? That's why all these points under "Technology"?

Also - if possible - could you kindly post this build at 1st level (and maybe at 10 level)?

Hello everyone! New here, new to the game. My free time is very limited, so I appreciate all these guides / builds.

Sorry for the late question, is this build still viable? Or it's not anymore, since the last update that changed PSI? Are there significant changes that make this build essentially useless now, or can I try this like it is? I am planning playing in normal by the way.  :)

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