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Messages - Goromorg

Pages: [1]
Builds / Re: Pure PSI build help
« on: March 26, 2022, 07:35:02 pm »
Min-maxed Psychosis build:
Psychosis is quite a bit more powerful than Tranquility, IMO, at least in the later parts of the game.

General / Re: Random useful tips you've learned?
« on: July 13, 2021, 06:06:17 pm »
Telekinetic Proxy can be used to trigger Ambush.

Nail bombs are not as loud as frag grenades.

You can use jumping beans and adrenaline shots to increase your stealth movement speed for a short time.

Enemies have lower sight range than you, so you often can attack first if you move slowly, no stealth required.

Ceramic and Psi beetle plates for tactical vests are good only in the early game, the best late-game plate is nanocomposite.

My min-maxed char:
Can detect Death Stalkers and can beat all AGI, PER, WILL and INT checks.
14 WILL and 8 INT is not fantastic, but you'll be able to beat the game no problem on Normal or Hard.
My usual psi power loadout: electrokinesis, neural overload, mirror image, psi haste, increment, stasis.

Builds / Re: The Claw WIP Build
« on: February 23, 2021, 09:46:37 pm »
STR is not important for DEX-based unarmed.
I've tried to put feats in the most optimal order, but you can rearrange them as you like.
Taste for blood and Combo are decent feats, you can take them instead of Expertise, Recklessness or Nimble. Blitz, brutality and cut-throat are not that great, unfortunately.
Force emission is most effective in high STR + high WILL build with Corporeal projection. Don't recommend it with 3 WILL.

Builds / Re: The Claw WIP Build
« on: February 23, 2021, 07:47:39 pm »
3 CON and no Stealth is a really bad idea.

Underrail characters can have a number of viable (reliable) defence options:
  • 10+ CON, crafted medium armor, Thick skull, Conditioning, good energy shield;
  • 10+ CON, 8+ STR, crafted heavy armor, Thick skull, Juggernaut;
  • High detection (8+ PER, good motion tracking goggles), high stealth skill, 7+ AGI or good cloaking device;
  • 10+ CON, Thick skull, Conditioning, 8+ AGI, crafted light armor, high dodge, high evasion
  • 7+ CON, 8+ STR, 10+ WILL, crafted heavy armor, Locus of Control, Juggernaut, Conditioning and/or Stoicism;

Unfortunately, your character has none of the above.
Here's an example of one of the many possible unarmed builds:

Builds / Re: Versatility XAL-001 Chemical Pistol build (Survival Instincts)
« on: December 08, 2020, 04:15:32 pm »
Cool, I didn't know that corrosive acid leaves purple puddles!  :D
Anyway, I had no doubts that survival instincts is a powerful feat — I just prefer to build my stealthy characters with a decent PER score.

Without good detection, any encounter with stealthed enemies or traps turns into a save-reload-fest.

Builds / Re: Someone have a crit psi build after nerf?
« on: December 05, 2020, 12:17:17 pm »
Pros: works on everything, arguably the strongest school against a single target. Telekinetic Proxy + Implosion/Telekinetic Punch is just deadly. Force field. Electrokinesis = force lightning. Only school that is effective against robots.
Cons: lacks spammable and AOE psi abilities.
Electrokinesis is spammable and is pretty good as an AoE ability because it ignores enemy evasion.

Builds / Re: Someone have a crit psi build after nerf?
« on: December 03, 2020, 07:55:49 am »
Psionic Juggernaut

Level 16:

Level 30:

It's tried and tested and IMO it's more fun than typical stealth psi builds.
My usual psi power loadout at lategame: Electrokinesis (main AoE spell), Neural overload, Force Field, Increment, Contraction, Stasis.

Uni-psi headband with mufflers and neuroscopic filter for Electrokinesis.
Super steel armor with 3 extra plates and regenerative vest (avoid getting EMP'd).
Infused pig leather boots, reinforced by SS plate.

Builds / Re: Versatility XAL-001 Chemical Pistol build (Survival Instincts)
« on: December 01, 2020, 01:22:18 pm »
I'd build this char differently:

+ Much better detection
+ 10 free specialization points for Mad Chemist/Opportunist/etc.
+ Crit on demand
+ 5 AP Telekinetic Proxy to trigger Ambush
+ Free skill points for hacking/lockpicking/etc.
+ 1 more innervation slot
+ Guaranteed stun on demand (Electrokinesis/Imprint)

- 30% less crit chance without Ambush

Also, I would join Free Drones for Nail Bombs — they produce less sound than frags and have powerful special effects. You can get CAU armor in their questline as well.

How do you sneak in CAU armor with 3 AGI, by the way?

Suggestions / Improvements to innervation mechanic
« on: November 21, 2020, 12:42:26 pm »
All right! The recent changes to psi are pretty damn good, but the new system could still use some fine-tuning. Namely, the innervation mechanic.

Why is that, you ask? Well, right now all psi abilities are treated like they have the same power level (all of them take one innervation slot).

Is, let's say, Enrage really equal in power to Disruptive Field or Cryo-Shield?

What I propose:

1. Instead of innervation slots, INT should provide points of Psi-Cognitive Capability (PCC). One point of Intelligence should provide 2 points of PCC. This means 24 points at 12 INT (maximum).

2. All psi abilities should have a new property: Innervation Compexity (IC). IC should have three levels: Low (1 point), Medium (2 points) and Difficult (3 points). One point of IC corresponds to one point of PCC, of course. This way, the character with 12 INT will be able to innervate 8 strong, 12 average or 24 weak psi abilities.

3. Assigning IC to individual psi abilities should be pretty intuitive, I think.
    1 point: Disruptive Field, Cryo-Shield, Telekinetic Proxy, etc.
    2 points: Cryokinesis, Electrokinesis, Neural Overload, Telekinetic Punch, etc.
    3 points: Enrage, Psycho-temporal Contraction, Thermodynamic Destabilization, etc.

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