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Messages - Gwadb

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I feel like most builds on dominating are going to devolve into traps/grenade spam to get through the early hurdles, crossbows in particularly are going to struggle with the beetles pretty heavily.
I find that once I'm past depot A and my build is decent enough, I eventually become less and less reliant on solving encounters with explosives. That being said I've never done Dominating without at least a little psi (Temporal too good on everyone), but I'm sure it's possible. Do note that with crossbows you'll probably still have to spam consumables in the late game, elemental bolts are pretty critical to doing damage to anything with armor.

General / Re: Coretech Tactical Respirator
« on: July 04, 2021, 03:29:37 am »
As far as I'm aware, the unique faction loot (Scrambler, respirator, hypno goggles, etc.) can only be obtained if you join that faction.

I empathise as an OCD completionist myself, but for the most part, the random shards and dungeons don't really add anything of extreme substance. Sure there's some neat dungeons and small quests, but they're a drop in the bucket compared to the non randomized content in the game, and as Styg said unless you're combing the wiki you would be unaware of their absence. Not being able to do literally everything in one playthrough of the game is a small price to pay for making subsequent playthroughs more interesting for those that like them. I'm just happy Styg hid the oddity silhouettes, I hated that Acid Cyclopean Eye taunting me from the oddity window, always unobtainable for me.

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