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Messages - Guudere

Pages: [1]
Builds / Re: Build Advice, TC + Guns
« on: February 25, 2022, 12:53:21 am »
Thanks for the advice, I'll look into TM as well.

Slightly off topic, but I was also looking into using snipers at one point but was told it's tough at the beginning due to low availability of the weapon type. Is there a way to rush to one early or is it just better to pick something else on first playthrough?

Builds / Build Advice, TC + Guns
« on: February 24, 2022, 01:59:41 pm »
I want to try running a build that utilizes Though Control for crowd control and debuffs while using guns as my main form of offence. I'm new to the game and not really sure where to start or end with the idea so...

Does this idea work at all to begin with?
Which gun type would work best with TC and why?
Playing around with the build planner, I find it hard not to spread my skills. Where should I be focusing? Do I need to invest a ton in social skills and crafting?
What order should I be raising my skills in? Which perks are the most important?


Builds / Re: New Player Build Advice, Psi/Pistol
« on: August 01, 2021, 10:02:50 pm »
I've already spent too much time thinking about builds rather than actually playing the game so I'll go in with all this in mind on normal and just see what happens.

Thanks for the input.

Builds / Re: New Player Build Advice, Psi/Pistol
« on: August 01, 2021, 04:18:44 pm »
I also thought having low perception with guns was odd. The main points for the playstyle I'm looking for are pistols to do the damage, thought control to provide crowd control and support/defense, and I like picking locks and stealing shit from people. Social skills are also nice.  Everything else is put in there purely because I read somewhere that it's good to have it. I've seen people mention that grenades and traps are good so I put some points into those skills but could easily drop them completely for a better functioning, more focused build. Stealth is there for mostly the same reason but I assume having some measure of stealth is good for picking pockets.

Point being that I'm fully willing to throw out everything that isn't Guns, Thought Control, Lockpick, Pick Pocket, and Persuasion. I could also live with close range gunning with a pistol if that's how they are made most effective.

Builds / Re: New Player Build Advice, Psi/Pistol
« on: August 01, 2021, 03:28:52 pm »
Thanks for the suggestions. Gun-fu looks neat but I'd rather not be up close. Here's what I put together based on both of those build ideas.

I'm unsure how much and where to invest in the crafting skills so I mainly just dumped left over points into them based off PQNY's set up. I maxed out Evasion with the idea of using an anti-melee shield. Everything else was based off of break point values from another guide or just guess work.

Builds / New Player Build Advice, Psi/Pistol
« on: July 31, 2021, 12:40:46 pm »

I'm about to start my first playthrough of the game and I'm wondering if a Pistol + Thought Control build is something viable. I like the idea of a gunslinging mind controller with high persuasion, using guns to deal the damage and psi abilities for crowed control and support. I'd like to get the most out of the game as I can through having whatever skills or stats are required to open up as many options as possible. From reading about different builds, hybrid builds seem to suffer from stat and feat spread.

Is this idea doable? People tell me the game can get rough so I'm more interested in playing something functional than sticking strictly to the idea.


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