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Messages - HellraiserJamie

Pages: [1]
Suggestions / Bullet cases should be more available
« on: February 08, 2022, 04:52:47 am »
This is a total shot in the dark, but if any other changes are made before the latest update leaves the experimental branch would it be possible to have merchants stock a set amount of bullet cases as opposed to solely relying on scavenging or the 30% chance to get one per gunshot? Crafting bullets is a good mechanic and the various ammo types we can craft incentivizes buying the materials to do so, but the availability of bullet cases is a problem 90% of the time unless you either get incredibly lucky with what junk you get or spend upwards of 10 minutes firing hundreds upon hundreds of rounds at rocks or range targets just to get a handful of cases. Having Merchants sell them in large amounts as they do with bottles, rags, and other common components would solve this problem entirely- Ammo Merchants already sell the TNT and Hexogen, so why not have them stock spare casings for players to buy?

Or maybe there could be a feat that you can acquire outside of leveling that raises your chance of getting a casing after firing a shot? Anything to make bullet cases more common would be very helpful.

Suggestions / Re: Sleeping, a better way of resetting shops and spawns
« on: January 18, 2022, 05:00:27 pm »
Oh, I wasn't aware of that! In that case having it affect timed quests would come with the territory of having a time reset mechanic like this. I know it's ridiculously unlikely but I am going to hold out hope they see this and maybe something similar to it gets added, shops never seem to have an item when you're looking for it and this would cut down the wait between trips.

Suggestions / Re: Sleeping, a better way of resetting shops and spawns
« on: January 18, 2022, 04:45:38 pm »
To counterbalance this; some quests that ought to be time sensitive (but aren't) can be failed if you rest too many times before finishing them.
I like the idea but I think that would actually take a little too much work because you'd have to adjust a lot of quests to make it compatible, where as certain conditions resetting spawns and shop inventories is already a mechanic present in game.

Suggestions / Sleeping, a better way of resetting shops and spawns
« on: January 18, 2022, 02:44:07 pm »
I think we can all agree that pointless waiting is the worst. Whether you're twiddling your thumbs until huntable critters to respawn or wasting time outside of town until shops restock their inventory, standing around until an arbitrary clock ticks down slows the game to a crawl. Imagine you've just gotten back from hunting or exploring and, despite your best efforts, you still couldn't find that one item you need that would compliment your build or prepare you for your next encounter. What do you do? Your only option currently is to find a secluded spot, crank the time to 4x, and then stand around for 30 minutes in real time until that unseen timer ticks down slowly... that certainly seems unintuitive. So what if I told you that there's an easy way of fixing this issue, something you've likely walked by a hundred times without ever considering how useful it could be? I am of course talking about the humble bed! Imagine how helpful it would be if you could go back to your place, climb into bed, and then get some much needed shuteye to sleep through all that unnecessary waiting!

The idea at it's core is incredibly simple: instead of forcing players to wait for spawns/shops to reset give us the option to sleep in beds/bedrolls and reset them manually, there are already details/mechanics in UnderRail that would work perfectly with this idea! 1.) When you ask Pasquale for healing in SGS the screen goes black and cuts forward to after the healing is done and 2.) when you turn in a quest to a shopkeeper their inventory and buying table resets automatically!

It would go a little something like this: a player walks up to a bed, clicks on it to use it, the screen goes black and triggers an autosave, then once the screen fades back to normal you get a little message saying "Time has passed" with shops and spawns now reset manually. This would not upset the balance of the game in any way as it's it's something you can already do via waiting, this suggestion would just remove that unnecessary waiting.

Please consider this suggestion, I genuinely think the UnderRail would benefit from it.

General / How the hell does Quality effect Item Durability?
« on: January 11, 2022, 12:18:02 pm »
I've spent the past few days combing through guides, posts, and wiki entries trying to figure out how Component Quality effects Item Durability and I've found absolute nothing useful other than Quality effects stats in tiers of 5, (15 Quality Crossbow does 13 - 20 Damage, 20 Quality Crossbow does 14 - 22 damage, etc)

At first I thought "Maybe it's the component's quality times 10" i.e. a 50 Quality frame would lead to a 500 Durability pistol, but then I checked the wiki and saw that the 50 quality example they use for all weapons has 690 Durability, so that was a bust. I don't need any help with effective skill totals for crafting or anything else, I just want to know how to spot if a component is going to produce something better than what I've already found via scavenging. Something like this should really, really be on the wiki. ^^;

EDIT: After some experimentation and Rathound hunting I think I've had a breakthrough: Durability seems to change by 60 points when the Quality of an item is in ranges of 5 (5-10, 10-15, 15-20, etc.) I tested this idea by making some leather armor out of a few Rathounds using 25 Tailoring (29 Effective) and the results were everything I hoped for!

14 Quality Rathound Leather = 180 Durability
17 Quality Rathound Leather = 240 Durability
19 Quality Rathound Leather = 240 Durability
21 Quality Rathound Leather = 300 Durability
22 Quality Rathound Leather = 300 Durability
32 Quality Rathound Leather = 420 Durability
34 Quality Rathound Leather = 420 Durability

Builds / First Time Player putting together a Pistol/SMG build on Easy
« on: January 06, 2022, 11:52:36 pm »
I've been looking into Underrail for quite a while now and after a couple hours of research via looking at builds here, reading reddit, and watching videos I think I'm starting to get a grasp on some of the games concepts- that being said I am still very new hence why I'm playing on Easy and would happily take any pointers I could get, this is the Level 1 build I have put together so far:

Looking into the game mostly blind I knew I wanted to stick to Pistols, SMGs, and Knives because I learned that high Dex lowers the AP cost of light weapons allowing you to get more attacks per round then almost any other conventional weapon, and that seems incredibly fun. I've seen it said several times that Will is an okay dump stat if you're not touching PSI and while I was hesitant about the lowered resolve I decided to commit to high Perception and Dex, I'll save PSI for another time. Locking, Hacking, Pickpocketing, and Traps seem to all be super helpful because it gives you a higher chance at more loot, more ammo, and more Oddities while Traps helps both with fights and for spotting certain pitfalls that could immediately kill you. Evasion also seems to be useful even in small amounts because not only does it help mitigate with ranged damage but also helps mitigate AoE damage, meanwhile Dodge seems to be mostly useless because it needs to be so high to have a useful effect and can also be mitigated by just staying out of range or killing the Melee threat first... plus, you know, shields are a thing and they're super helpful. Finally I know for certain that I want to play around with Mechanical and Electrical Crafting because making my own incredibly powerful Pistols/SMGs sounds incredible and having shields as early as possible will be a godsend.

I'm still not entirely sure about all of this, and I could very easily swap out traps for Grenades for the sake of Molotovs and Flashbangs because I know Opportunist absolutely shitrocks stunned enemies. If any of the vets here can give me any advice at all I'd much appreciate it, I tend to be very indecisive when it comes to builds. ^^;

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