« on: February 16, 2023, 01:37:42 pm »
title. Basically I want to play high cal
pistols without just being one turn man. Accordingly I plan to avoid using .44 hammerers after i get w&s.
stats: 5 str, 5 agl, 10 dex, 3 con, 7 per, 3 will, 7 int. plan is pump dex to 18.
melee- want to go versatility + dex route and use gun fu so likely maxed.
throwing- want at least some, though not sure if CC is going to be enough of a issue for grenadier/three pointer to be worth though i would have enough dex.
guns: 70 at least for bullet time.
chemistry: likely no more than 20 (just for nade crafting in early game) because I plan to use plasma nades/nail bombs.
electronics: 120ish for reasons above, I want emp + plasma nades shield and goggles. no real shockers here i would imagine.
mechanics: prolly low. I hope to avoid relying on mechanic crafting for once with this build, wearing jkk jacket/infused rathound and tabis (infused bison ig).
biology- want 63 ish for focus stims, maybe jumping bean and such.
stealth- 50-60.
hacking- 80 base. Should have enough effective for dlc checks, correct me if I am wrong.
lockpick- 80 base. Same as above.
mercantile- 80, could go lower because persuasion should allow it to be high enough effective with boosts from items to pass a majority of checks
persuasion, 80ish
tailoring: 100 for reasons described previously.
temporal manipulation: 55. Stasis is cool and all but don't want to rely on it.
evasion- maybe, want feedback on this one.
dodge- prolly 30 for escape artist.
feats roughly in order:
(aimed shot: i wonder if its needed.) want feedback. hit and run, gunslinger. point shot. recklessness- def spec this one after hit and run. vesatility. rapid fire. gun fu. Bullet time. premeditation. sharpshooter. Not sure what to take beyond this beyond fitting steadfast aim in there somewhere, possibly taking expertise and fatal throw for even morer ap. Maybe execute also but idk.
to any who made it this far, thank you for putting up with my godawful format and possibly questionable build choices.