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Messages - Hooch_Sauce

Pages: [1] 2
General / Re: not-so-invincible bloodpsican
« on: April 26, 2023, 02:52:40 pm »
yeah i figured it out, i was skill issue. This post was made with salt, let it stand as a icon of my failure and a warning to those who may come after me.

General / not-so-invincible bloodpsican
« on: April 24, 2023, 11:49:36 am »
This build ( + depot A = jesus christ. Not really sure where to progress. Just barely over level 7 having exhausted almost all the ways I would level up at this point (Can't take the plasma sentry in elwood's house; I mean maybe I could sit behind the door and throw a ton of emps; can't take warthogs yet so thats a ton of oddities and areas- not that the area part matters because I couldn't take the bettles in the next area anyway). Before I resort to bear trap spam I just wonder: how to beat depot A if you lack literally every single recommended item/stat (no stealth, not enough STR to open vents, no lockpick, not enough hacking to disable turrets thanks to how pinched my stats are)

General / Re: Where to join investigation
« on: April 19, 2023, 09:23:37 pm »
oh I see! Thank You!

General / Where to join investigation
« on: April 19, 2023, 07:20:58 pm »
I followed the steps on wiki- talked to eieden, specified investigation, then said the biology wing or whatever its called. But then where do I get my belt? Talked to the guy who runs preseveration, the armory chick, all the merchants in investigation, all 3 branch heads, and there was no new dialogue about getting my belt. Do I get that later or did I need to say assistant investigator rather than full investigator or something?

Edit: If I didn't choose the right option with lydia am I screwed out of my belt? She has no dialogue about investigation and I can't recall what option I chose because RAF 13 maybe me take a weeklong break from the game.

So several questions: I haven't really dipped my toes into the other psi schools besides good ol TM and PK, so what other psi abilities do you use? Also, do you believe forceful innerveration is that vital>

General / Re: do CACS work with bare fists?
« on: March 30, 2023, 05:05:22 pm »
oh well. Also mentioning stun implies I would need to stun them instead of getting more high then a kite and just killing them without such lame things as 'stun' 'emp grenades' or 'strategy'

General / do CACS work with bare fists?
« on: March 29, 2023, 08:21:16 pm »
title. Also kudos to styg for making bare fists fun. 10/10 would beat a dreadnought to death again.

Builds / Re: help with unique 44 mag build for dom
« on: February 26, 2023, 05:13:40 am »
Thanks bunches for the details. Cheers!

fair enough. Thanks for the help.

Builds / Re: help with unique 44 mag build for dom
« on: February 25, 2023, 05:00:54 pm »
love it. What were the minor adjustments? Also I am adding persuasion so my gun isn't the one doing all the talking, and wanted to ask. Is 80 effective enough to reach all the checks (with modifiers from items)? Thanks in advance.

ok, thank you. Might just push one char forward with that just to see what is behind those checks and most likely be sad enough at the result to never put points into it again.

title. Of course in builds without 70 tm i know to bump off some other skills to make room, but is it worth draining to go for skills like more dodge/evasion? And while I am at it, I haven't really done any builds using dodge/evasion, so is there any real 'breakpoints' for them besides feat requirements?

Builds / help with unique 44 mag build for dom
« on: February 16, 2023, 01:37:42 pm »
title. Basically I want to play high cal
pistols without just being one turn man. Accordingly I plan to avoid using .44 hammerers after i get w&s.
stats: 5 str, 5 agl, 10 dex, 3 con, 7 per, 3 will, 7 int. plan is pump dex to 18.
melee- want to go versatility + dex route and use gun fu so likely maxed.
throwing- want at least some, though not sure if CC is going to be enough of a issue for grenadier/three pointer to be worth though i would have enough dex.
guns: 70 at least for bullet time.
chemistry: likely no more than 20 (just for nade crafting in early game) because I plan to use plasma nades/nail bombs.
electronics: 120ish for reasons above, I want emp + plasma nades shield and goggles. no real shockers here i would imagine.
mechanics: prolly low. I hope to avoid relying on mechanic crafting for once with this build, wearing jkk jacket/infused rathound and tabis (infused bison ig).
biology- want 63 ish for focus stims, maybe jumping bean and such.
stealth- 50-60.
hacking- 80 base. Should have enough effective for dlc checks, correct me if I am wrong.
lockpick- 80 base. Same as above.
mercantile- 80, could go lower because persuasion should allow it to be high enough effective with boosts from items to pass a majority of checks
persuasion, 80ish
 tailoring: 100 for reasons described previously.
temporal manipulation: 55. Stasis is cool and all but don't want to rely on it.
evasion- maybe, want feedback on this one.
dodge- prolly 30 for escape artist.

feats roughly in order:

(aimed shot: i wonder if its needed.) want feedback. hit and run, gunslinger.  point shot. recklessness- def spec this one after hit and run. vesatility. rapid fire. gun fu. Bullet time. premeditation. sharpshooter. Not sure what to take beyond this beyond fitting steadfast aim in there somewhere, possibly taking expertise and fatal throw for even morer ap. Maybe execute also but idk.

to any who made it this far, thank you for putting up with my godawful format and possibly questionable build choices.

Builds / Re: Ultimate hammer guide
« on: February 16, 2023, 01:19:27 am »
oops lol i meant dex

Builds / Re: My Most Powerful Shotgun Build
« on: February 08, 2023, 03:31:32 pm »
any reason for not picking chemistry if using grenades/throwing? seems a no brainer to me but not that much experience.

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