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Messages - Lowin Bayrod

Pages: [1]
Builds / Re: Build Theorycraft: Chem pistol Throwing knife
« on: February 16, 2024, 07:54:10 pm »
With enough perception you could see the hidden ladder to get Grampus for both barbed nets & early corrosive acid, both are really great for your build so maybe add snooping and/or perception to your build ? :-\ 

Suggestions / Re: Old Ib homestead drinks
« on: January 24, 2024, 11:26:22 pm »
Would be even better that after Brew Fest and learning of stalagdrop you could say to Old Ib that you came to buy some stalagdrop and he became friendly.

Builds / Re: Tin can + shotgun?
« on: November 27, 2023, 04:51:55 pm »
With nimble & armor sloping, you can get good enough metal armor without too much armor penalty(less than thirty penalty) as long you stay single plate and go Ti-Chrome /Super-Steel.  Not full Tin Can, but with a good energy shield and the raw power of shotgun (hint : spec sixth shell) you can get the job done. For headwear I would go seeker goggles  or psiband depending of if you're going psi or not, and for footwear either tabis or ti-chrome striders if you wanna use caltrops. I did a build like this once but I played in normal, so I can't guarantee on how it fares on harder settings.

General / Re: Phreak's phones
« on: October 16, 2023, 02:05:54 am »
Well, it is what it is. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The fine tuned feat was the only thing that was really usefull for my psyker build anyway. Now I can finaly stop running in a loop searching upper underrail like a derailed motioner, thanks for the info.

General / Phreak's phones
« on: October 15, 2023, 09:22:52 pm »
So I recently tried to do Phreak's questline for the first time, I'm at the part with the orange box, I managed to already open two caches including one with the high voltage penetrator core, but all other phones in Upper Underrail don't react at all to the plugging of the orange box, including the one near Gubbins who according to the wiki (by the way thanks to everyone who maintain it, especially Paposik, you're hardcore) contains the other needed Gizmo for the quest. Did I miss a step to make those other phones work ? Is it locked to DOMINATING difficulty (I play in normal) ?  Is it a bug ?

General / Re: Heavy Duty speculation
« on: October 05, 2023, 07:06:20 pm »
If heavy weapons requires a lot of strength, I hope the skill and feats scale with strength and not perception, that would be a serious faux pas in game design that the new weapons in a new dlc called Heavy Duty requires a lot of strength but only scales with perception. If you did this mistake Styg, you get a couple week to fix it.
Hoping the heavy weapons craft and unique weapons aren't locked to super late stuff and some can be acquired early enough, like around Junkyard (like energy pistol and chemical pistol) if you know where to look ; a skill you can choose to boost starting level 1 and you can't use till level 16+ is stupid, kinda like energy weapons and heavy weapons in the first two Fallout (sure you could cheese some if you knew where to go, but even as a french I can feel tired of cheese).
I guess there's some new additions to all build besides the new weapons types, with new feats and uniques. Please let that dlc be as refreshing as Expedition and see you next month everyone.

Suggestions / Re: New Weapon Suggestion: Clubs
« on: January 12, 2023, 06:58:37 pm »
So basically a one handed sledgehammer or the better crowbar... Razors blades in craft to make a razor bat club because "When life gives you razor blades, make a razor bat".
 Staccato Rhythm : if you're copying Flurry, just say Flurry can be used through Staccato seems more consistant than Flurry "all or nothing", also some feats that should apply : Bone Breaker and Heavyweight (it's blunt), Super Slam but less potent when used with a club.
 Bludgeon : good alternative to Expose Weakness, I suppose the weapon is armor neutral like the crowbar.
 Disorient : make it also available to sledgehammers. 8)

 The Lifting belt should help a little with a 2 or 3 AP reduction.
 Explosives Cap can be applied

 Press F for those needed clubs that will (probably) never be implemented. :( You will be missed

Bugs / Re: Commando Belt on Page
« on: February 09, 2022, 10:44:20 pm »
Ok another character done and Gerhalt Page had the belt this time.
Still the mystery remains as what caused him to not drop it before, since I remember well having said to myself as I started "this interface is nice but a little too big for me" and modifying it in the options.
 Maybe the machine spirit was offensed before and I need some incense to appease it. :-\

Bugs / Re: Commando Belt on Page
« on: February 09, 2022, 03:53:34 pm »
I did not switch, since I literally made the character for this version. Much better UI by the by ;).
 Will make a quick new character to see if it drop for him, if it was a fluke, bad luck or something more nefarious. Will keep you updated.

Bugs / Re: Commando Belt on Page
« on: February 09, 2022, 04:56:07 am »
What part of" with experimental branch on" didn't you read my good sir ?
 I get everything else from the update just fine (and I quite like it so far) , the new & improved items, the new Ui etc. But no commando belt on Gerhalt Page, that's it.
 Just hoping it isn't one of those "Dominating difficulty only" schtik like the Master Demolitionist Belt, because I really prefer to play in normal and I always found weird to gatekeep content this way.

Bugs / Commando Belt on Page
« on: February 08, 2022, 07:10:44 pm »
So when I saw the Commando Belt was finally a guaranteed drop instead of merchant super rare drop in the new Experimental Patch I made a new character based on versatility(normal difficulty/classic) with experimental branch on. I get to Gerhalt Page and kill him and his merry rascals... And Lo and Behold ! no belt.
Am I missing something ?  ???
 As of right now my disappointment is immeasurable, And my day Is ruined.  :(

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