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Messages - Luna

Pages: [1]
General / Re: New Core City Questline
« on: March 02, 2022, 07:21:47 pm »
I'm already Invictus XD
Questline might also just be a little buggy since it is new and involves outcomes from a few other potential questlines. I got the control box and power source before doing any Oligarch questline and while Phreak accepted it and said his plan was coming together there doesn't seem to be anything more after that.

General / New Core City Questline
« on: March 02, 2022, 11:55:59 am »
So I managed to find the "new core city questline" with Phreak and accidentally electrocuted myself a dozen times getting access to him (we're not gonna talk about how long the phone puzzles took me). After doing all his stuff he's told me to come back 'later' for more crunch but after doing a few sidequests and other goals he still hasn't got any new work for me. Is this where the questline ends for now? Feels pretty not-worth considering that the normal Oligarch quests get you paid a lot more and give you a house, and while Phreak is really cool you don't even get to see the products of what you're helping him do. The normal Oligarch paths still seem available as I tried joining JKK and the game let me, but won't this end up putting me in conflict with Phreak if I do the whole questline?

Bugs / Re: Problem with refurbishing.
« on: February 17, 2022, 04:51:51 am »
I'm also having this issue with the Dragunov. Have high enough quality Spearhead frame (over 110), high-resolution scope, and plenty of money but Myles won't give me the dialogue option to refurbish the gun. He also has 2 of the 3 blueprint upgrades if that's relevant.

Save included here, left all the required components on the ground to make it clear as possible. (ignore my cluttered inventory lol):

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