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Messages - Red like Black

Pages: [1]
General / Possibility of "Kill Everyone Run" (Spoilers)
« on: February 20, 2024, 05:09:21 am »
I had this idea after killing Vencel the tutorial NPC (he was watching me take my clothes off through the camera, destroyed all the cameras and security bots too for good measure.), what factions do you need to not aggro in order to complete the game while killing every other optional faction?

Off the top off my head, I believe only SGS & Six?

For Junkyard you can just kill the Scrappers to enter and get the Drill, for Expedition I believe you can solo it as long as the Ferryman is alive, and for getting to DC you can just go through the Motion route & then the Lunatic route & power through the Tchortists .

Builds / Questions: Sword Meta & Potential LMG / Sword Hybrid
« on: January 14, 2024, 05:37:00 am »
TL;DR Stealth + LMG / Sword build?

My planned version in theory:

Gear: Bladed Super-Steel armour, ninja tabi, detection goggles.

Goals: Good Stealth, not die in one-shot, have big damage.

Long version:

Hello all, I would like to know the following:

1. What feats are mandatory on sword builds? Besides Flurry it seems people do not use the other feats.

2. How feasible would it be to create a Sword / LMG hybrid build? The idea is to primarily kill things with your sword, but to have the LMG as a backup for crowd control / as a ranged option.

What would be the suggested feats for such a build? With the focus being in:

1. Consistency, the build should be able to win the game with minimal reloads.

2. Exploration, the build should be able to explore 85% or higher of the games content, with a emphasis on dark areas with stealthy enemies. This means it should have either sufficient firepower, stealth, or a combination thereof.

General / Fixed VS Non Fixed Perspective
« on: January 12, 2023, 10:50:59 am »
What is your opinion on being able to turn the perspective around like in other isometric RPGs like Wasteland 2?

Honestly I prefer the fixed perspective, it makes things less confusing, though it occassionaly is a big flaw in that something might be difficult to see.

I've done more than a few runs with them and I feel kind of mixed on this, with proper investment it is a significant increase in survivability, even with constitution as low as 3, especially with uncanny dodge and energy shields, on the other hand the amount of skillpoints they take up are absolutely massive and it might be better to invest into a psi discipline, more stealth, throwing or a crafting skill.

Bugs / Katherine in Junkyard sells very few micro dischargers
« on: January 10, 2023, 12:42:33 pm »
Compared to Ezra who sells 20-23, Katherine sells around 1-3 at a time, thats around 1 shock bolt every 3 minutes which is far from being enough to sustain a crossbow builds fire rate even at 2 bolts per turn and makes dealing with the security robots and mutants in junkyard a painful experience, especially if you didnt have enough points for acid and incendiary bolts.


I can't seem to load the link for the pre forum dev logs?

Oh, and hyperion is not the right answer for the security questions, despite google saying so for the worlds largest common tree name.

Builds / Re: Does anyone have a working plasma build?
« on: January 06, 2023, 11:52:56 am »
While I haven't used energy pistols since the critical power nerf and this might be more complicated than the build you are looking for, here is a hypothetical plasma grenade + pistol + lemurian spear build I intend to use in the coming months

underrail info/build/?GggOBgMGAwYZRwDCjADCjMKMWzEcAFdTNDZTAAAAAAAATSQ5AcKjAkVZwqxLJjoPMcKFwrPip4IC4rWuCd-_

Add a period inbetween underrail and info for the link to work

Main gear is depending on the situation, a single plated super steel or tichrome armor that ends up with below 25% penalty after all the feats and special attack boosting night vision goggles.

As for weapons you want a electroshock spear made of tichrome until you get the lemurian spear as well as, depending on the situation, a plasma or electroshock pistol.

Bonus and recommended but unneccessary: Restart the game until you get the skull smasher event on your starting computer in your room in SGS and use the boom belt + evasive manuevers to boom plasma grenades around you in tough fights.

Builds / Riot Shield Psi Puncher
« on: January 05, 2023, 01:07:20 am »
Build link: underrail info/build/?GAwIAwcDBwYAAwDCgh4ALllJAABWVQAAVgDCggBGAMKCUismJEQUEkVOwoLCqsKrIDzChwfioZAB4qa4A-KnggLitrUC4ra2Ad-_

Add a dot between underrail and info above for the link to work

I have not played a fist build with PK in 2 years, are any important feats missing? I know that its more optimal to increase agility over will and take fancy footwork, but I want to see the effectiveness of forcefield after the nerf and intend to use it to make enemies close in on me instead of having to go towards them

Also, if im doing the math right at level 18 with 2 spec points into armor sloping and 1 into lightning punches I would be able to get the lightning punch bonus with a tungsten shield and nimble?

Builds / Re: The Best Build
« on: January 03, 2023, 02:01:40 pm »
The starting stats are like 7/5/8/3/8/3/4?


Anyways, would you mind elaborating on what makes this the best build and why initative is so important? I find its nice to have, but very far from needed.

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