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Messages - Guiar

Pages: [1]
Builds / Re: Need help with a balanced shotgun build. No psi.
« on: December 27, 2022, 04:31:01 pm »
So you think that a more agile build would serve me better. Looks fun. I imagine that starting stats are str 5 dex 5 agi 8 con 6 per 7 will 3 int 6. Pump agi to 10 and take blitz then put the rest in con until 9?

Is evasion and dodge worth? In the past i felt like theses skills didn't give enough for the points.

Do you recommend any gear for the early mid game? Like type of armor, boots, head gear, etc

Thanks for the help!

Builds / Need help with a balanced shotgun build. No psi.
« on: December 27, 2022, 05:59:06 am »
I have played underrail in the past and got stuck or frustrated and abandoned the game. Now i want to give it another shot and finally beat the game. (normal classic exp)

My plan is to play a balanced shotgun build with grenades to help. No psi. I intend to go with a critbuild after some levels. Crafting the gun/armor always seen the best option so i put a lot of points in mechanical/tailoring/biology. Enough lockpick for the omnitool in vents.

I plan to use a tactical vest to aid in survivability. i have planed the build until level 12 but i don't know what to do after that (in my best run i got stuck in the gray army compound and quit).

all the help and comments are appreciated.


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