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Messages - Greeble Yeeter

Pages: [1]
Bugs / Re: Sully in GMS compound doesn't acknowledge killing Gerhard Page
« on: January 11, 2023, 09:52:31 am »
It is a massive oversight. Like, they were worried there were more raiders, so they are all going to move out (of a very defensible spot by the way!) and become drifters again, easy pickings. Then you kill the rest of the raiders, and it's a dead end back that way without boats, so all their problems are solved. Yet they don't acknowledge it, and still plan to just leave and die outside. This is absurd, no half-sane person would do that, especially given their lack of combat inclination/equipment. They should be happy to know Paige is dead, and either stay in GMS or take over his camp. How cool would it be if they re-established their community, even had an option to ally with SGS and maybe get a trader or two! Wasted opportunity, I get that this was an early thing and y'all wanted to get on with writing the latter parts of the game, but it's a massive plot hole that a huge proportion of players will encounter. Not to mention a very easy fix if you're minimalist about it, just a "Thanks, maybe we'll stick it out after all" and add nothing else, I'll be happy.

Bugs / Re: Micro electric dishargers text
« on: January 11, 2023, 09:45:37 am »
Wait really? That's busted if so, crowbars have no durability to chip away from. So they can just deliver infinite firecrackers XD I mean, if that's as intended, honestly based. A good crowbar with modern steel is no joke. Seems a bit op though haha

Bugs / Re: Can't Fix Gloria Despite Meeting Requirement
« on: January 11, 2023, 09:44:16 am »
The wiki should reflect this, it just says you need to talk to Bernard with 60 electronics. I've done this before, you may be right but don't I need gloria for the beast anyway? Since there are no part requirements, it's absurd I can't just fix it, this is very counterintuitive especially on my second gloria-involved playthrough.

Bugs / Re: Katherine in Junkyard sells very few micro dischargers
« on: January 11, 2023, 09:42:38 am »
On Dominating, those are plasma turrets with 800, tons of resistance and are almost guaranteed to one-hit you. Destroying them is definitely intended to be optional, except maybe for super slow tanky sledgers.

Bugs / Re: Katherine in Junkyard sells very few micro dischargers
« on: January 11, 2023, 09:40:52 am »
That's definitely an issue that should be fixed, especially at junkyard given its nature as scrap capitol of underrail. That said, with one emp grenade for the group of 2 outside, and another to stun the two in the room downstairs with the key (you find another one in a locker to get you out safely if you hide behind boxes for grenade cooldown to reset) (which I think is an optional key anyway, the key in the room with the muties is the only one you really need), you should be able to complete the mission without destroying a single turret. A bolt or two for the room with 2 near the ladder, since one is easy to avoid with walls you can just stun the other and close the door behind you for easy passage. Let me know which one in particular  is giving you trouble and I can screenshot and explain my approach more specifically :)

Had to redo the fight, and it turns out if you happen to talk to the woman first instead of the dude, she'll tell you they actually live there. So it makes sense, it is their shit I was taking, but that's the same situation as the GMS compound survivors. Some consistency, or maybe a more apparent indicator that this was their place (I was more focused on busting out than talking to them). Like, talking to the dude just tells you that they don't know what to do now, and no other options, then the woman won't talk to you again after. I was pretty frustrated by this oversite because I thought it was a glitch that would happen elsewhere, turns out it's more of a storytelling mishap, easy fix either add to the dude's convo or don't let talking to him prevent conversation with his friend.

maybe have like factions and owners for "red" owned containers, it works well in other games. Skipping that step might have saved you some time but it makes your game look silly af when people I saved turn hostile for me looting their captor's now-abandoned hideout.

Bugs / Re: Should mutated dogs have tackle?
« on: January 10, 2023, 05:54:56 am »
No please, they have PLENTY of hard cc they don't need soft cc on top of it. I get wanting this for flavor, but in order to not make them utterly busted they'd have to be nerfed out of their impressive damage or tankiness, which are kinda their essential mutant-ness anyway so you'd be sacrificing flavor for... worse flavor.

Bugs / Re: Micro electric dishargers text
« on: January 10, 2023, 05:51:41 am »
there are a lot of errors like this, pneumatic hammer says "for blunt melee weapons" yet can't be used on sledgehammers. And firecracker cap says it's for "sledgehammers and other large blunt weapons" which... are there any others? news to me if so. Gloves definitely aren't large, but would honestly be hilarious to put firecrackers on XD

Bugs / Can't Fix Gloria Despite Meeting Requirement
« on: January 10, 2023, 05:43:35 am »
as subject line says. I have 60 effective electronics (52 invested) and talking to Bernard gave me the option to ask about it once, never again, with no option to repair. I kinda needed to get this started, I'm playing on dominating and fought my way there without the trains to save money for later so I'd rather not skip this for now and come back with more electronics than the wiki says I need.

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