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Messages - Doomguy

Pages: [1]
Builds / Re: Doomguy build
« on: July 17, 2023, 07:10:04 pm »
Thank you for the information :)

That all looks great and would be happy to use.

What would you recommend for my Level 1 starting setup? That is honestly the hardest thing for me to think about right now lol

Builds / Doomguy build
« on: July 17, 2023, 07:33:31 am »
Hi everyone and hope you are all doing good.
After playing Atom RPG I have been wanting to go back and play other games of a similar type and Underrail was one I never really gave a chance so I wanted to amend that.

My goal for the build is basically trying as much to be like the character Doomguy:
All types of firearms (mechanical 1st then energy weapons later) viable with melee for fun to crush my enemies and to be able to take on whatever the game throws at me with armor/constitution.

No Psi recommendations at all please. That will be my 2nd character :)
I don't mind points in persuasion/mercantile as those are benefits.

I honestly want to min/max to be powerful and want to know what are the actual dump stats in terms of builds because except for Will in regards to Psi and Agility for dodge/evasion etc. (I am probably incorrect) I think everything can be viable just like how my Strength and Dex are the same number and how Intelligence and Will are the same number.

Attached is a PNG file with my lvl 1 allocations just in case (was not able to post the HTML link of the character build tool)

Thank you all and I look forward to your recommendations and to have a good laugh with me because this game is fun but man is it tough lol.

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