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Messages - player101

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Builds / Re: Fusion Cannon Build- The Ultimate Weapon
« on: June 05, 2024, 03:29:53 pm »
Thank you, nice build, most fun I've played so far. Haven't finished game yet but completed almost all content before DC.

Some adjustments and tweaks I did:
  • You don't need any lockpicking to get the Cannon, just break that vent with crowbar and 9 STR, only thing you should worry about is stealth which you can boost up with junkyard surprise (2 AGI roll), soft black hopper armor (you'll need to invest in tailoring anyways to craft quality sturdy armors), black balaclava and black tabi or soft hopper boots. I've got mine Cannon at lvl 12 (reached 150 effective stealth) and I'm pretty sure it's possible to obtain it at lvl 10. Going to HD dlc earlier good because you also get Warthog and on lvl 12 it's much more powerfull than any LMG you can craft.
  • Before lvl 15 I've ate mushroom salad and used PER goggles instead of suggested iron head to compensate lack of weapon skill. Also wore some random metal aromor and boots and got about 85% penalty untill could craft good SS gear.
  • As you have plenty of free skill points and high INT for psi slots I advice to put 45 to PK for imptint and grounding. It gives you some CC and what is most important stunnded and grounded targets have no evasion.

For the conclusion I want to say I hadn't any problem with fights even that marked as 'can give a trouble' in the guide: Magnar - both forms oneshotted after grounding; Carnifex - same thing, killed him at lvl 14; submerged Jet Eater - 1 shot; Quad Nagas died all in 2 shots, I haven't find out how to group them closer. The only enemies that can bother you are Expedition stealth spiders as you can't be bio immune and get enough DT to block all poison attacks at the same time so you have to stay in web and eat antidots.

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