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Messages - Traveler

Pages: [1]
Bugs / Re: Darkdwellers cave random encounter game breaking glitch
« on: July 06, 2024, 10:52:44 pm »
I encountered this bug as well but I was unlucky enough to not have a save outside of the cave before entering (besides an old one that would lose several hours of progress). I tried a bunch of different recommended fixes but none of them worked. I'll leave the crash log below:

Game Version:
Error: System.Exception: Failed to locate entrance waypoint 'randomEvent_lux-hole_exit'
   at dud.LogAndThrow[T](Exception innerException, LogSeverity severity, String message, Object[] messageArgs)
   at d5n.aq3()
   at eyo.b4(e48 A_0)
   at bs6.d(e48 A_0)
   at b8a.a(e48 A_0)
   at b8a.b(e48 A_0)
   at b8a.adr(e48 A_0)
   at bs6.f(e48 A_0)

Pages: [1]