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Messages - wickedinsane

Pages: [1]
Suggestions / Graphics to not look so clinically clean
« on: September 16, 2012, 10:56:39 am »
I like the graphics but in a way they look a bit too clinically clean; I would like to see more distortion.
Textures should have much more dirt, scratches and  deformation on them.

Other that that I really like the isometric view and how the world currently looks.
Hope to see some dustyand decayed wasteland with abandoned places, too, one day :)

Having  had my first extensive session with the game yesterday I thought that an option to use more APs for a better shot (like it is implemented in JA2 for instance) and the option to target certain body parts like head or legs would really rock!

General / Re: Congratulations
« on: September 16, 2012, 10:42:13 am »
Same goes here!

I do play Fallout 2 every year from beginning to the end since 10 years now; I have played and finished Fallout 3 and NV a dozen of times; I did not like Fallout Tactics that much but played it for some time though just because I wanted to play a turnbased tactics game in the wastelands.
I read about this on NMA and played the demo about 10hrs yesterday and will do the same as of today starting right after having finished this post ;)

It is awesome!
Underrail is excellent! Is has high potential - you should definitely take it to Kickstarter! With the alpha demo, which already runs pretty good, you have best chances for getting much support!
Hope this project will get more of deserved attention soon; looking forward to updates and project progress!

Move along!

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