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Messages - Petrell

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Played through a couple of times
« on: December 30, 2012, 01:54:52 am »
If I'm not mistaken, game is 2D (or so called 2.5D, 2D faked to appear 3D) so making rotation is not that simple. While it's not impossible, it would probably need lot of time and effort, which could be used to add more content. Nice to have but not essential, IMHO.

I'm pretty sure that game, the alpha build at least, already takes those into account at least on some level when calculating how well you're hidden. It seems easier to hide in dark places, npc's spot you instantly/faster if your skill is not high enough and encumberance is supposed to make hiding in shadows harder (could not figure out if last part worked or not). Or do you mean something else?

Enemies chasing you to other zones might be nice. Now you can pretty much render places inaccessable by retreating from mob to other zone as they swarm you as soon as you go back.

Respawnin enemies are already planned but bit more randomness (monster placement and random encounters) would certainly be nice to increase replayability.

General / Re: Playing a burglar: is it possible?
« on: December 23, 2012, 12:11:46 pm »
I believe there are few scripted encounters that can't be bypassed with stealth no matter how good you're at it but you can avoid combat with intimidate/persuation skills in most of them and one can be 'bypassed' by not taking certain quest. The biggest problem is experience as probably 75%+ of all xp comes from killing things so getting high enough skills (you gain skillpoints by levelling up, unlike in morrowind where you level skills by using them) to meet the requirements. Most loot is also random so you might find uberstealth coat (if you're super lucky) from first crate you open or you might not find any in entire game (if you're extra unlucky) as stores do not currently restock so you're stuck with that they have (again random). Also if you can't fight properly at late game (even what it currently is), anything there will kill you by just looking at you (there are ways to get around it currently by exploiting AI weaknesses and/or game mechanics if you are so inclined but you will have to be very carefull to not be spotted first).

General / Re: Resting and Recovering
« on: December 23, 2012, 11:38:17 am »
There is a perk (available in alpha, not demo) that allows you to recover up to 40% (?) of your psi points when standing near mindshroons (blue glowing mushroom). Mindshrooms in your inventory do not count, only one's that grow on maps. Remember if you pick them up it takes an hour (I believe) in real world time to grow back.

Development Log / Re: Dev Log #9: Importing Characters and More Crafting
« on: December 23, 2012, 10:48:32 am »
About importing character, would it be possible to allow player to reset character level/stats/skills/perks etc. at import while maintaining the xp so we could try out various character builds?

Also would it be possible to change quickslot behaviour with stackable items in a way that we choose item in slot and when we use the slot it uses sane items in our inventory untill all of them run out instead of until the stack we put in slot runs out (so if I had say 30 grenades of same kind in inventory, I could use the quick slot 30 times)?

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