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Messages - snoob

Pages: [1]
Discussions / Re: How did you find out about this game?
« on: August 25, 2012, 09:13:21 pm »
I'm pretty sure I found out from no mutants allowed. I'd provide links to the most recent news post regarding the demo release of UR, but it looks like the site is currently having trouble.

From what I read earlier there was some positive reception.

However, I did learn about UR quite awhile ago, so its hard to tell if NMA was my original source or if it was rock paper shotgun. I can't find anything regarding UR on RPS tho.

EDIT: NMA seems to be back up - Link to UR impressions thus far below

General / Re: Crossbow Bolts?
« on: August 25, 2012, 08:02:44 pm »
If you are wielding a crossbow in your active hand and the PB is in one of your belt slots, just use the corresponding key (Q,W,...).
The ammo for the crossbow does not need to be changed. I guess because you don't really load a magazine into the crossbow, but 'load' each bolt individually, loading and shooting a bolt are treated as one single action. So standard bolts are used per default unless you choose a specialty bolt from your belt (which I like as a design decision by the way).

Just to clairfy for anyone reading this post. The belt slots are not the grey slots on the bottom of your screen, but  the red/black boxes with the hotkeys (Q,W) on the bottom right of your screen. Items can be put into them using the inventory menu. The red circles to the left of the character. This was my confusion.

General / Crossbow Bolts?
« on: August 25, 2012, 04:12:47 pm »
So Under Rail is the shit. I'm having alot of fun with it. Its got a very fallouty (1/2) feel to it.

However I"ve run into a problem

After Quinten Offers me a chance to learn his PSI ability if I shoot a rathound with the "putrefying dart" and gives you access to his crossbow, I can't seem to get the "putrefying darts" to load into the crossbow. I've tried the normal way of reloading, dragging and dropping, clearing all other crossbow ammo types from inventory - NOTHING. Any insight?

Thanks so much!

EDIT: As soon as I read another thread, I found this... LOL. I'm glad I'm not the only one who was stumped by that.

Got it. To use the putrefying bolts, put them in a utility belt slot (the red ones to the left in the inventory). From there, you can access them in battle.

General / Exciting!
« on: August 20, 2012, 06:01:29 am »
Thanks for the forums! I see you're ramping up for the release of the demo. As someone who has been following Under Rail for the past few months, I'm so exicted! I know I'm not the only one.

Just thought I'd check in.

Is there going to be a stand alone release or will it be a desura exclusive?

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