« on: December 29, 2024, 03:51:15 pm »
I don't think it's right that a character with 0 stealth skill can eventually get a high enough bonus to sneak to avoid auto-detection by all enemies (200+ stealth).
I propose changing the bonus granted by stealth-boosting gear to a smaller flat bonus, with an and/or percentage bonus as well. Like:
Black balaclava
This item grants a +3 bonus to stealth or a +3% bonus to stealth, whichever gives a larger bonus.
Frankly, all skill bonuses from items could work this way.
Edit: After conferring with my advisors, I've come to the conclusion that halving the existing flat bonus of skill boosts, but also adding a +% of your base skill is probably a better solution. The technomedic does this and exists in the game already, so theres a precedent. So If a current balaclava gives +12 to stealth, it would now give +6 flat and some small percentage of your base (how much? I'd leave that to styg the math genius); but if the bonus is about the same to a character who actually invested in stealth, then all is right in the world and I'm happy.