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Topics - harperfan7

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 22
Bugs / Combo bug
« on: January 19, 2025, 10:26:36 pm »
Combo says "If you land three consecutive damage dealing unarmed"
"damage dealing"
yet people are telling me the first two dont need to deal any damage to the target for it to function, they just need to hit

Suggestions / Stealth bonuses from gear
« on: December 29, 2024, 03:51:15 pm »
I don't think it's right that a character with 0 stealth skill can eventually get a high enough bonus to sneak to avoid auto-detection by all enemies (200+ stealth). 

I propose changing the bonus granted by stealth-boosting gear to a smaller flat bonus, with an and/or percentage bonus as well.  Like:

Black balaclava
This item grants a +3 bonus to stealth or a +3% bonus to stealth, whichever gives a larger bonus. 

Frankly, all skill bonuses from items could work this way.

Edit:  After conferring with my advisors, I've come to the conclusion that halving the existing flat bonus of skill boosts, but also adding a +% of your base skill is probably a better solution.  The technomedic does this and exists in the game already, so theres a precedent.  So If a current balaclava gives +12 to stealth, it would now give +6 flat and some small percentage of your base (how much?  I'd leave that to styg the math genius); but if the bonus is about the same to a character who actually invested in stealth, then all is right in the world and I'm happy.

Suggestions / New bolt types (infusion)
« on: December 25, 2024, 12:03:29 am »
As variants of the standard bolt (not special bolts):

Broadhead bolt:  basically a jhp bolt; more damage but higher penalty vs armor
Bodkin bolt: basically a w2c bolt; less damage but better armor penetration

Since they aren't special bolts, you can use them with snipe, aimed shot, etc.  This is assuming that infusion will make you use a "quiver" of loaded bolts or something; if it keeps underrails "all regular bolts loaded at all times", then you'd need some kind of bolt selection to activate

Suggestions / Npcs with "discipline"
« on: December 15, 2024, 04:38:04 am »
The idea is that some npcs won't move from their station due to noise, or wont leave a certain area (like aegis soldiers on the beach during combat).  This way the player cant get an entire group of guards to abandon their post so they can sneak past or loot, and cant lure say a sniper into a crappy vulnerable position when they'd be better off way back.  I think mainly it'd be best for snipers, xbows, and other long-range high detection types.

Suggestions / Mutie island medicine trading
« on: December 05, 2024, 07:33:11 pm »
Someone pointed out that the mutie island muties are constantly needing medication (as the doctor says), yet you cant sell them any.  Eustace and the food merchant ought to accept infinite medicine in trade, like other merchants buy bullets.

Suggestions / A quick-tinkering nerf idea
« on: November 26, 2024, 01:23:35 am »
Not that it's really necessary, but in the interest of fairness, I think it would make sense if quick-tinkering required you to have the trap in a utility slot.  With grenades, you have to pre-select them before the fight starts or else waste AP switching them out.  With quick-tinkering, you just pick something from your inventory.

Suggestions / Arena nickname for the regalia
« on: November 16, 2024, 09:04:06 am »
Not my idea, but an arena nickname for if you wear the regalia through the fights.  Seems like something that dumb crowds would like and latch on to.

"Rat King"
"Alpha Rat"

Also, and I just thought of this while typing this post, but one for a crowbar/rolling pin would be funny too:  "pipeworker"

Bugs / Chrono-repeater doesn't count as a psi headband
« on: September 01, 2024, 09:49:42 pm »
when selling it to merchants
I figure it ought to

Bugs / Found another unmarked pile
« on: August 30, 2024, 10:57:51 pm »
in the upper caves dungeon with the mutagen

Bugs / Jon/Phreak bug (I think)
« on: August 21, 2024, 04:54:30 pm »
I have never seen the name "Phreak" yet in this run, and I don't think my character should know that he is a hacker.  I heard the convo on the phone at the Simon Peres map.  I asked Jon about a person who uses the emergency phones.  I have two options when I return to Jon with his special, when I think it should only be the lower one.

Suggestions / Use the rowdy zoner sprite animation in the arena
« on: August 20, 2024, 11:39:37 pm »
That one core city random encounter where a mob of zoners are protesting some praetorians, and some of the zoners are doing that "angry shouting" animation; I think that would fit the crowd in the arena.  Maybe sprinkle some in there.

General / If you want to play an lmg build....
« on: August 12, 2024, 08:20:21 am »
You can sneak to the brno in the upper caves at 1st level with 3 agi if you max stealth and get decent stealth gear.  With decent pickpocket, you have a huge amount of 8.6 to steal from sgs guards, a few random people in junkyard, and the embassy guards (and later SRO and praetorians and probably many others).  You can go well into the lategame without ever buying ammo if you stick with the brno, but regardless its a great way to get through the early game on an lmg build.

Bugs / Can't hit adjacent enemy with spear in open area
« on: August 10, 2024, 01:08:04 pm »
I don't see why I can't attack this dog.

Suggestions / Lunatic Kamikaze
« on: June 03, 2024, 09:58:15 pm »
A tough but unarmored lunatic, wielding a sledgehammer with a blasting cap, who casts thermo destabilization on themselves then rushes you with abandon, right through any hazards.  Should probably have tabis/strider boots and never have an energy shield.  Sure step, thick skull, sprint, whatever sledge-related feats you want. 

Suggestions / Cryo pistols to inflict bleed
« on: June 03, 2024, 09:40:37 pm »
Cryo pistols could have a chance to inflict a bleed (similar to cryo orb), and even apply vile weaponry if you have it.  Courtesy of Raven.

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