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Messages - Salkanaugh

Pages: [1]
Chimarea - I really appreciate that!

I love this game so much that I've decided to start completely over with a new build.  I didn't enter DC fully prepared, and I wasted some skill points that I wish I could have back now.  Also, I want to try oddity experience.  Already level 5 and really enjoying it.

I have printed this thread  in case I run into the same situation again next time.

Thanks to both of you guys, and to all the fans of these type of games!

Sincerely hoping there are plans for Underrail 2!

Decided to backtrack.  I didn't come to DC properly prepared... i.e. I left stacks of health and psi stims back in SGS storage.

So it's back to pre DC save game for me.  Maybe the location of the 'main hall' will become clearer to me next time.

OMG I'm losing the will to live lol

So I'm back down in the utility section of Arke... I believe this is the dark area with all the spider webs, reached via a ladder down from the eastern zone of the Arke 'side entrance'.  This area also has a faulty computer console in the northwest corner, with periodic electrical discharges around it.

I'm trying to find my way to the 'main hall'... the previous reply (for which I'm grateful) mentioned "You should find a way into the main hall from the utility section with the keys you've found there. You'll know when you are there, it's a tall hall with two floors." - If you can elaborate I'd be grateful.  Mainly I'd like to confirm that the area I described above is indeed the area that connects me to the main hall.  If it's not, I'd be grateful if someone could describe the area that I should be in to find the 'main hall'.

I'm wandering around this darkened area at the bottom of this ladder, but still struggling to find any other exit from here other than the ladder I came down.  There is one door (hacking skill 130 required) that I cannot open, but I am confident that is not what's stopping me... others have completed the game with lower hacking skill than me.

Thanks in advance for any further help.  I will wander around in here all week if that's what it takes... love the game that much lol

Thank you!  The wiki is awesome and greatly appreciated, I must just be missing a corridor or doorway somewhere to get to the main hall.

One more thing I meant to mention...

The wiki page for 'Restore Arke powergrid' starts out with "Enter the powerplant through the side entrance. You won't get anywhere from the main entrance yet."

Well I have only seen one entrance to Arke... in the north-east corner of the zone full of burrowers.  This led to the cutscene where the AI taunts you, and the room with the computer terminals you can hack (and then get found out).

I haven't seen any other entrance, so I haven't got a clue what the wiki means with "enter through the side entrance".   If there's another entrance to Arke then that would likely solve my problems, but if so where the heck is it?

I really want to keep rolling with this thing... but this is my 2nd night in a row of being unable to locate this missing keycard and bring Arke closer to completion.

I started mapping DC but I think I need to backtrack now, cuz my map says I've been everywhere (that I can get to), yet I haven't seen these worms I've heard about yet... and it clearly sounds like I haven't explored all of Arke yet.


So... I'm in Arke Power Station, and I've worked my way around and found the keycards... except the last one for Senad Roberts' office.

The wiki for this 'quest'  ( says "Grab Utility Keycard from the storage <which I have done> and head up into the main hall.  In the main hall, find Senad Roberts' Office Keycard on the second floor."

Well I'm not really sure which zone is "the main hall"... or whether I've even found the 'second floor'.  I've seemingly explored everywhere I can, which consists of mainly just two zones... the first one you enter where the cutscene has the AI teasing you... and the one east of that, reachable by running past plasma turrets or sneaking through the vent from the games room.

The wiki page says "This Senad Roberts' Office Keycard can be found on a dead man on the second floor of Arke Power Station's main hall." - however, in the zones I mentioned above, I have looted everything and I don't see a dead man anywhere to loot.  I also found a forum entry where someone mentioned something about it being on the same floor as the elevator... but blimey if I don't see an elevator anywhere either.

If anyone can clue me in on what I'm missing I'd be grateful.  Love the game but starting to worry that I will run out of resources (health stims, bandages, psi stims) before I figure out a way to get back to SGS (if you even get an opportunity before the end).   If that happens, I'm screwed.

So... the simplified version of my question is this... "Where the heck is Senad Roberts' Office Keycard?" ... and if the answer is "on a dead man in the main hall", then "Where the heck is the main hall?"

Thanks in advance.


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