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Bugs / Re: Spiked Chrome Brass Knuckles cannot be laced with poisons
« Last post by PhrygianDominant on November 22, 2024, 11:57:48 am »
Fixed everything for the next patch.
Suggestions / Re: Combat Skills Balance (needs to be achieved)
« Last post by harperfan7 on November 22, 2024, 11:56:17 am »
My man, you do NOT know what you're talking about.
Bugs / Re: Some pirates hostile after joining them
« Last post by PaposikG6 on November 22, 2024, 05:24:39 am »
Did you bother clearing Ceto off aegis troopers first?

Either way, post save
Suggestions / Re: Combat Skills Balance (needs to be achieved)
« Last post by Deep Driller on November 22, 2024, 04:03:49 am »
Well I did it!

Good for you, you proved me wrong. Still not a reliable way to kill anything else, including Void snakes (from Shadowlith).

AR is incredibly strong, same with knife and smg, AR is absolutely on the same tier with nade launcher, pistols aswell.

Any dex melee is pretty much top tier by virtue of having 4ap attacks and fancy footwork.

And calling psi weak on its own is a joke right?

AR is balanced. Weaker than shotguns close-range and having better overall precision. And is definitely not on par with GL. Especially because GL's only requirement is Guns skill but not any of their feats. I mean, I used base Milcore and it was on par with BRNO and those other two LMGs I had. The latter had two feats, the former had none. Please consider required feats and stats for a weapon, before assessing its "overpoweredness".

AR do require Commando, Concentrated fire, Full-Auto, et cetera — in order to be strong enough. GL, again, require for you to have 100+ Guns, around 6 STR, and a couple of 25/40mm grenades. And you can pick a whole lot of other feats.

Same goes for pistols.

Same goes for knife and "dex melee".

Those require a couple of feats in order to function properly. "Dex melee" also require a shitton of combat drugs, too. GL and LMG require from you to spend your movement points to peek from an obstacle, obliterate a group of enemies, and hide again. GL has tremendous hit chance. LMG has crappy hit chance but obliterates everything in one or two bursts nonetheless. Without feats as well.

And, well, yeah. Metathermics+Psychokinesis is the only good way to fight for a psi one. Good as in "one goes forward and kill all enemies on sight, like some OP weapons do". And even then, without high-tier abilities like Plasma Beam and without a crapload of skill (200+) invested, you won't be able to deal significant damage. Even even then, SIGNIFICANT damage, not ONE-SHOTTING damage — Plasma beam being the only exception.

Both TC and TM are two red-headed stepchildren on that one, cuz no one cares about Temporal Distortion, Psycho-Temporal Contraction and Precognition and other crap I totally forgot about. I do hope I don't need to explain the "usefulness" of TC on Hard and above — since vast majority of enemies will resist fear/frenzy/whatnot, and robots crap on that psi discipline all over, since 9 or 10 of its abilities do not work on non-living targets.

It is weak.
Bugs / Re: Some pirates hostile after joining them
« Last post by Agalyon on November 21, 2024, 06:50:34 pm »
I thought about it some more and I think it might have been caused by docking somewhere they don't want you early on in my run. That's the only thing I can think of. I assumed once you have the ransom meeting and joined them that hostilities would be cleared either way, and when I searched around I couldn't find anything to the contrary. Is it intended that if they're hostile you can't join them, or are they supposed to become friendly upon joining and some of them didn't somehow?
Bugs / Some pirates hostile after joining them
« Last post by Agalyon on November 21, 2024, 06:16:49 pm »
After joining the pirates I quickly found that some pirates, namely H3 and G4 on the map I think, are hostile. If they so much as see me, all the other pirates also become hostile as well. I don't know what could have caused this as I haven't fought with them at all, and I checked the save just after joining they're still hostile immediately after joining as well so evidently they aren't all set to become friendly upon joining either.
Builds / Re: Versattility build, common Questions
« Last post by Dismas on November 21, 2024, 12:05:43 pm »
 This is exactly what I was looking for, thank you mate. Yep, I agree with int and will. But I am afraid I hopelessly made my mind about versatility and I know you are right, but I really want to try it. But you helped me made my mind about how- since stealth would be very useful, I will take it and weapon wise go for guns and knives, since they both profit from dex and require little strength. While shotguns and swords sounds cooler, but there is little overlap things that I can utilize. Throwing is a must, especially crafted grenades.
Builds / Re: Versattility build, common Questions
« Last post by Easyprey on November 20, 2024, 09:25:36 pm »
Hey, I'm kinda new too, but I guess It couln't hurt to point out a couple of possible mistakes you seem to be about to do.

First off, choose one kind of damage just one. You want swords? Go melee. You want shotguns? Go guns. Not both.

In that regard, Versatility is kind of a trap. There are builds that use it, yes, but very specific builds. Don't expect to damage with both shotguns and knives(swords).
One of the two will be better, and progressively you will ditch the worst one when faced with tougher encounters.

You can take a bit of throwing though, 30 points to get the granadier (and 6 dex) for the granadier talent. Really cuts the cd on granades.

Same story with stats. When you create your character ( or in the builder) drop to 3 all the stats and then raise only the ones you really need.

If you're doing a knife build, I guess dex is your main stats.
You really should leave willpower to 3 on the other hand.

Intellect helps you with crafting, mostly. Or psi. 6 for premeditation, really useful. 7 for crafting talents.

Can't tell you much about shotguns, really.

I can tell you you should chose if you want to create a tanky character, or a glass cannon. Middle ground doesn't work much.
Either you move out of harm's way or you prepare to take it.

Stealth is your friend. It really shines in this game, it gives you control to engage in fights only when you can win. It lets you overlook initiative. Let's you gap close if you're melee.

You can do without, of course. But I wouldn't advise it for a first run.

Hope this helps untill someone more experience comes by.

Builds / Versattility build, common Questions
« Last post by Dismas on November 20, 2024, 04:34:22 pm »
Hey guys. I've finally did it and bought this game. Based on what I watched/heard about character creations and leveling, its easy to mess it up, so I wanted to consult with those who already walked this path before. Here is what I have in mind:

I would start with few things I would deemed essential for what I want in this build. First- yes I have every intention to craft my weapons/gear. For the cornerstones I see grenades/throwing (to be able to deal with wide variety of enemies and hordes), traps (mostly for the disarming capabilities), chemistry for drugs and handmade explosives, melee (undecided between knifes & swords,), guns (undecided between shotguns & pistols), in general undecided between lock-pick and hacking. I don't really intend to increase my speech options (if I have some points to spare, maybe mercantile), no intention to go stealth (unless you guys would advise me against it) and spent whatever I can spare to temporal manipulation for them buffs. From the prime stats, I believe intelligence and dexterity should be high. with some points to strength & willpower in minor capacity (endurance too, but that is obvious).

I know this does not cover all of it, but it represents what I wanted to make this build about. I am still messing with calculator to see what numbers I can put in, but I don't have ingame knowledge/experience which would better explain to me what to look for and what looks good on paper, but in reality it would be of little to no use. Of course I would be glad for any and all advises you have for me.
Builds / Re: Are Guns+Heavy guns viable together?
« Last post by Frin on November 19, 2024, 08:21:07 pm »
I'll give it a go, thanks! :D
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