A minigun with Jumpstart mk2 motor starts with +2 bullets per burst and spits out +10 bullets per burst starting with 5th burst onwards. 200 rounds max capacity. And it can be 12.7 ammo (which afaict means even 45 AP per burst - not 40).
Now look, 12.7mm _contaminated_ ammo - each hit produces a toxic cloud and applies a few toxic gas stacks to the target hit. +10 bullets per burst, +2 from full-auto, 5 base = 17 bullets per burst. With Adrenaline and time manupulation thing, 95 AP per turn = 2 such bursts = 34 bullets. That's up to ~100 stacks of toxic gas debuff instantly applied - depends on number of targets, - instantly. Each stack is +10% damage taken, caps at 20 stacks per target for +200% damage taken.
Other than mutants and robots (each of which is a minority group having special tools to deal with - EMP and electric damage for robots, JHP ammo and explosives for mutants) - i can't quite imagine any "pack" of enemies able to stand on their feet vs fully span-up minigun of the kind i described just above. And it takes just 2 turns to spin it up to full given said buffs.
And any followers? These contaminated bullets all leave clouds of toxic gas behind, which overlap and intensify each other. Dozens of 'em in a big fight. Getting through is much damaging by itself and applies more and more toxic gas debuff to any newcomers.
And far as i was able to see, there ain't no LMGs chambered in 12.7, see. I only see craftable ones for 9mm and .44, one unique for 8.6mm, and couple unique LMGs for 7.62. None 12.7. Dig?