well -this sucks. please dev, disable this. unlimited enemies are always crap especially you have limited ressources and cant leave the area.
It's not THAT bad. The bunkers are plentiful enough, and the Eye of Tchort status only applies to the central area in front of Tchort's door. Everywhere else (Tchortist base, Faceless areas, mushroom forest, etc.) the enemies are not constantly respawning and there is no status applied to you.
Also, the Tchortlings are idiots, and even if you only have 50 stealth you can easily stealth past them, so as long as you don't accidentally alert them to your general position you should be perfectly fine just walking around in stealth.
Just make sure you know where all of the bunkers are, or are neutral with the Faceless and Tchortists and you'll be fine.
Worse case scenario you can always just book it out of a zone if things get bad and then reenter it a different way.