Author Topic: Two new Feats: Hard march and Breach in Defense  (Read 1392 times)


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Two new Feats: Hard march and Breach in Defense
« on: September 02, 2016, 04:18:56 pm »
Sorry for my bad English.

I want to suggest two feats for melee builds.

1. First one is "Hard march" (name doesn't matter).

"Totally ignores Movement Points penalty from armor"
Requirements: Strength 10, Melee 50.

Not really sure about melee skill number, it certainly must be so only melee characters can use it, but not too high to be viable for most part of the game (not just end).

So let me explain why this feat shout be introduced to the game. As your know there is metal armor in game, which has spikes and blades enhancements, which made for melee, it's just calling "wear me"!
But, there are only two viable archetype builds, I rather say one and a half then two.
1) Juggernaut - the most heavier metal armor + assault rifles. This guy don't even care about armor penalty because he have no need to go anywhere, just stay and shoot them all. 
2) Shredder - bladed metal armor (only super steel!) + bladed gloves +Nimble + Armor Slopping to keep armor penalty on low level. I played this build (knife version too) before nerfs and to be honest I didn't find it fun. Well yes it has damage, but that's all: no evasion, no dodge, no stealth, no good protection from armor. Sniper - oneshot, crossbowmen - oneshot, hammer - you are dead and etc... This build is just save/load carnival.

And that's all, only two builds use metal armor: Shooter and Fast-attacking melee.

The biggest problem for melee builds, it's obviously, they are melee, they need to get close to enemy, and in this game every ranged-weapon enemy will kite you, so if you wear high penalty armor you will not even reach them.

And it's not just me, there are other topics in which people understand it too:
"Heavy Melee Build unplayabel with Heavy Armor?" -;nowap 
"Would steel gloves and metal armor build work?" -;nowap

So with suggested feat  heavy armored melee fighter archetype will be viable. This guy will wear full metal set, which will grant him decent protection and will use gloves/hammer so hi will deal only 2-5 attacks per round, but  every attack will hit hard.

To clarify if you have 95% armor penalty and "Hard march":
- your dodge, evasion, stealth still will be only 5%;
- your movement points will be 100%;
- your Lightning Punches will NOT work;
- your Heavyweight will grant you 95% crit. damage. (To be honest for now Heavyweight just useless for unarmed/combat gloves builds)

2. The second feat which I suggest is for unarmed/gloves combat only. Let's start from quick look on damage dealing feats for knifes and gloves.

Knife: Weaponsmith, Ripper.
Gloves: Lightning punches, Combo, Heavyweights, Skinner.

At first it seems like combat gloves already have much more feats, but it's not quite right. Weaponsmith and Ripper work with EVERY knife build, they always useful, always great.

On the other hand Gloves perks all situational and works only in certain build:

- Lightning punches - work only in low weights fast-attacking build;
- Combo - once again fast-attacking build, if you have 12 attacks per round combo is decent, but when you build something with 4-5 devastating attacks it's become rather useless. If you may kill target with 1-3 attacks (and you should!) combo deal just nothing, and besides that Pneumatic Gloves much more then Combo.
- Heavyweights - and this is opposite situation, it works only in heavy slow-attacking build. For now it just doesn't work at all in unarmed/gloves builds.
- Skinner - I'm not sure is it work on combat gloves, coz I have no occasion to try, but even if it works it applies only to leather, but not metal gloves.

As you can see all gloves feats are situational, besides that gloves lacks crit. chance, so I think it would be great to have some universal crit. chance feat which will work in both "heavy" and "light" builds and with all materials.

"Breach in Defense" feat similar to Ripper, but work on crit. chance instead.

"Critical hit chance with combat gloves and unarmed increased by 1% for each 1% of the target's missing health. Applied multiplicatively to regular critical chance."
Requirements: Strength 10 OR Dexterity 10, Will 5, Melee 70.

For example: with Steel Gloves (5% crit. chance), 10 dexterity (5%), Recklessness (7%) in total you will have 17% critical chance.

If you have "Breach in Defense" and attack enemy with 50% health your crit. chance will become 25%. (only +8% in absolute numbers)
If you have "Breach in Defense" and attack enemy with 0.1% health your crit. chance will become 34%. (double chance)

I don't think that this will be game breaking because if enemy missing half his health and you land crit. he will be probably dead after this, so effective crit. chance increasing not so huge as it looks like.