Author Topic: Mutagen Puzzle is broken for me.  (Read 2541 times)


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Mutagen Puzzle is broken for me.
« on: December 18, 2016, 06:56:36 pm »
I'm going to cut to the chase since I spent hours on this both searching wikis and info.

1. None of my regents start with the Exitus-1 compound marker I got with KL
2. That means I have to remove something to start right? Well here comes the next issue. Any combos that remove anything before the KL gives me a X5, which can only be removed by a regent with a HI maker that none of the other regents have a - version of.

I can provide a pastebin of the regents, but I'm also going to cut to the chase and ask if this is a bug from the random generator. Seeing as I cannot find a way to complete this puzzle for a part that my gimped PSI basied char cannot pass without the "bonus" this mission gives. Can I submit a save and hope something can be done? I spend 80+ hours on my first save. I just want to beat the damn game without cheating.

Also this verification is ridiculous


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Re: Mutagen Puzzle is broken for me.
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2016, 07:28:52 pm »
Making the paste-bin now. Also I see what you mean about posting once and not having an issue.


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Re: Mutagen Puzzle is broken for me.
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2016, 07:41:10 pm »


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Re: Mutagen Puzzle is broken for me.
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2016, 08:20:07 pm »
I am 90% sure about this. I can upload my save to show you if needed. Any typos would still be only 1 Letter or number off. I will try to screenshot some of this stuff. Maybe make a comp shot.

But while we're struggling with these reagents, as a sidenote, psi characters shouldn't have too hard time with the boss. Skipping the mutagen puzzle can even be helpful - if you've got Locus of Control you can just walk up to the boss, invoke LoC+enrage and hide behind a Force Field while the boss destroys itself. If not, often a combo of Telekinetic Proxy, Implosion, Mental Breakdown, Neural Overload plus few more Neural Overloads is enough to finish the eye in one-two turns.

I got the implosion part down, but I didn't know I could mental breakdown it. I will try that next. In fact let me try and see if I can do that first.


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Re: Mutagen Puzzle is broken for me.
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2016, 08:48:55 pm »
Either save file or screenshots are fine by me, for double-checking the reagents.

But in case the puzzle really was generated without a solution (I still doubt that's possible), the devs will probably need your save file to check it out.!KMYW1Agb!6l_D3mbL-9sHN-Jtfmx4sg

Save file right at the scanner. If there is any issues please let me know. (I had to upload it twice so I hope there are no errors.)


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Re: Mutagen Puzzle is broken for me.
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2016, 09:07:38 pm »
And lastly I did not know he was so weak to neural overload. I really worried too much about the rest of the damage coming at me to think about my own nukes.


I am sorry for wasting your time. Thanks for the great game, and thank you for helping me. Have a good day.  :)