Author Topic: Can this build work? (Electrokinesis+SMG or other gun)  (Read 1601 times)


  • Tchortist
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Can this build work? (Electrokinesis+SMG or other gun)
« on: December 13, 2016, 10:46:28 pm »

So I have thought about a character I wish to play, who can combine electric psionics with gunfire.
The idea is to basically use stealth, barbecue enemies with premadiated electrokinesis, and gun down any survivors with an SMG, like a glass cannon.

Str   3   
Dex   3   
Agi   7   
Con   3   
Per   10   
Wil   8 to 14
Int   6   

+some adjustments of crafting skills, and only some in persuation, adding biology along the way, etc. But primarily the ones above.

Spec Ops
Psionic Mania
Psychostatic Electricity
Neural Overclocking

Taken roughly in this order, with a couple to spare. Suggestions are welcome.

My thinking is this:
-stun from electrokinesis+opportunist will enable much damage from the gun
-premediated manic overclocked electrokinesis from stealth should be a nice, free opening of combat
-finishing off enemies with the commando SMG should give another, free burst, that I will need, with such low dex
-in emergency, cast force field and retreat. maybe take sprint, or hit & run too, or use a flashbang and get out

But I have not much experience, so I would love some input from veterans!
And, yeah, spreading out stats and feats like this is not maybe optimal. Really squishy, totally dependent on stealth, I dont know if that is doable, though I will play on normal difficulty.
Also, 3 dex is not really optimal for a light-guns build :), but I honestly cant find any spare stats, so better to just dump it and use something like a 7.62 caliber Jaguar maybe. I just want some kind of firepower to mop up after electric mayhem.

Thanks for answers.


  • Godman
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Re: Can this build work? (Electrokinesis+SMG or other gun)
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2016, 11:10:51 pm »
I think you'll have troubles with this build.
First of you use electrocinesis as opener for stan and then you spend a lot of feats to make it crit.
Yoy should decide what is your main method for eleminating enemies, and what is support for it.
You don't need even 4 Will for electrocinesis if you want to use it as opener for stun, set Will to 3, because luckily Premeditation doesn't require Will.
Dex 3 for SMG - it's not good, you need 10 at least.
You don't need Psychosis or Psionic Mania or Neural Overclocking - very suboptimal, but Psychostatic Electricity is fine.

If you want to deal damage with Psi - go full psi and abandon firarm. ))
Otherwise use it for tricks only like stun or Force Wall (useful thing).


  • Tchortist
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Re: Can this build work? (Electrokinesis+SMG or other gun)
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2016, 07:56:47 am »
Okay Fenix, thank you for your input.

The reason I wanted those psi-feats and the will was to use electrokinesis as the primary means of damage, and only use the smg to clean up.
You are probably right, that it is better to just use electrokinesis as a utility skill for stun and better criticals, and swap around will for dexterity... then the build becomes more like an SMG build with added psi-flair and worse hitpoints.

I do not know what would be best, to rely on electrokinesis, or gunfire as primary damage dealer :)

(And about the need for high dex with SMG, I dont know. Sure it is nice to burst-fire it one extra time per round, but to invest 10-12 ability points, just for this... it is quite insane! One could do so mush else with those points, and just leave dex at 3.)
« Last Edit: December 14, 2016, 08:04:26 am by Bruno »


  • Godman
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Re: Can this build work? (Electrokinesis+SMG or other gun)
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2016, 04:37:15 pm »
Well, Electrokinesis ONLY as main source og dmg won't work.
So you go and utilize every psi-trick at least in two schools, or you do rely on guns for that and psi is supportive skill.