Author Topic: Looking for a glass cannon build  (Read 2774 times)


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Looking for a glass cannon build
« on: March 21, 2017, 07:57:18 pm »
Hi everyone, im new here but i've 100+ hrs on underrail, i've made some characters (pure psi, sledgehammer, fist build, xbow build and some mixed build)but i stopped playing all of them near core city because they didnt really satisfy me, now i'm looking for a glass cannon build preferably a long range one (sniper?) i tried some caster build but they didnt really fit my needings so im here to ask for a tippy top damage build, i dont really care about survivability unless i get oneshotted :P the highest damage i've achieved was something near 800-900 but i did it with a sledge, expose weakness, opportunist and some drugs/food now i read here that a sniper build with snipe can reach 2k and i want some clarification. I dont care about crafting feats unless they are mandatory to build a badass weapon :D

Btw thanks for this awesome game, i didnt have so much fun since fallout 2 :D


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Re: Looking for a glass cannon build
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2017, 02:41:55 pm »
Well, xbow build can be pretty damaging, i easily reached 1k+ damage on crit with it.

Sniper builds are pretty straightforward and easy. You will need 7 Int, 10 Per (at start, max it for more damage), 5 Str (to actually wield sniper rifles) and 7-10 Agi. Feats: Nimble (so there would be no penalty to stealth), Aimed Shot, Snipe, Gun Nut, Sharpshooter, Critical Power and possibly Blitz. You, of course, will need to max Guns and Stealth skills, stealth is needed because it increases damage from Snipe ability. Mechanics is necessary to build a good rifle. For all your rifles i recommend Anatomically-Aware Scope to increase your critical hit damage and Smart module to increase damage from special attacks. You will need to craft at least two rifles, one 12.7mm using Corsair or Harbringer frame, depending on which you will find with higher quality and one 7.62 Spearhead with smart module and rapid reloader so you can shoot twice in one turn.

To further increase your damage, wear Smart Goggles and stealthiest outfit you can find (Ninja Tabi, Leather armor with soft padding and black overcoat, Tactical west with black overcoat, etc.).

To deal with enemies with high mechanical resistance, buy/craft W2C ammo when you can. JPH is good for enemies with low mechanical resistance if you want to increase your damage even more (which isn't really an issue at this point).

I would recommend to have some sort of sidearm (AR, pistol or SMG) to use when enemies got to close. SMG is best in my opinion since you have free feats to spare and with Commando + Spec Ops, SMGs will have best damage per action point ratio. You can also craft silent 5mm SMG when you want to kill your enemies one by one. Remember that Burst is a special attack so Smart module will increase damage form it.

With this build you can pretty much one-shot anyone in the game with Aimed Shot or Snipe attacks (sometimes you will need W2C ammo for this though).


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Re: Looking for a glass cannon build
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2017, 09:19:22 pm »
Thanks for your reply, im currently leveling with your tips and th crafting tips were really useful :)