Author Topic: Personal vehicles  (Read 1733 times)


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Personal vehicles
« on: August 24, 2017, 12:48:01 am »
As the title suggests. I would love to see a personal vehicle in the game, either craftable or purchasable, as an option for compulsive pack rats who don't want to do a strength based character. It could start simple with a bicycle with a footlocker on the back you could obtain early in the game. There could be an option for a trike and ATV later, with the last option being a small car, or hybrid rail/ land vehicle. This could also have a lot with travel time while on foot, with the bicycles being the slowest option, but not taking any fuel to run (Gasoline or energy cells). The character would automatically exit the vehicle if combat starts and not be able to access the trunk while in combat. The implementation could be similar to how the Corvega worked in fallout 2, while giving the player the option to basically leave it anywhere they can fit it. A bicycle, trike, or small ATV could even go into buildings potentially, while larger vehicles would have to be left outside. This is a rough outline, any suggestions to refine it are welcome.


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Re: Personal vehicles
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2017, 04:52:11 pm »
I'm a compulsive packrat and with the Pack Rat perk, I never felt like I was missing out on anything.  Recycle any stuff you don't intend to keep and turn the scraps into improved repair kits (which sell really well) and weight will essentially never be an issue.  I pretty much only ever left behind crowbars and animal parts/metal plates of low quality.  Everything else I ever found anywhere went into the backpack and back to either the quarters in SGS or the home in Core City.

If there's a convenient way around the weight limit, then there's not much point in having a weight limit.  If there's no weight limit, then the limited-item-purchase mechanic that merchants use makes no sense.  If that makes no sense and is removed, then the game economy doesn't make any sense since the only two money sinks in the game are one-time sinks into improving your house, and a time-limited sink into creating Super Steel.  I think too much has to change to keep the game sensible, if you essentially end-run around the weight limit.  Just go back to a place where you can safely store things, every now and then, and drop off your stuff.  The weight limit is very forgiving.


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Re: Personal vehicles
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2017, 09:39:22 pm »
A weight limit could be added. In the end this is no different than dropping excess loot in places like the big bin next to Len's shop at the junkyard. I personally see a small vehicle as less of an immersion breaker, compared to people never looting a random barrel you decided to stash excess stuff in. Seeing you can already do things like that, I don't honestly see the economy breaking aspect of a vehicle. It's not like it will magically make a vendor buy more of your stuff anyway.


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Re: Personal vehicles
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2017, 07:57:14 pm »
Hence why I envisioned small ones like bicycles, tricycles, or powered quads Epelli.