Author Topic: Escaping the Institute when Faceless attack?  (Read 1379 times)


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Escaping the Institute when Faceless attack?
« on: October 23, 2017, 03:34:09 am »
I recently got to the point where strange tremors start happening in the Institute of Tchort. I went to the west wing and met the Faceless I had helped in Core City, who told me to leave the Institute or become a target. So I did the logical thing and ran like a coward. I left the Institute through the front doors, I left Upper Underrail by the elevator, and I eventually went all the way back to South Station. I was rather disappointed that nothing actually happened. I would suggest something like the Faceless attack progressing if you leave Upper Underrail while the tremors are happening. It doesn't sit well with me to give the player clear directions like this and then following them leads nowhere. This does raise the question of how the player is them supposed to know what to do next. Maybe you could go tell Tanner what has happened so far, and he would tell you to stop being an idiot and go back and explore the Institute further.

And alternative solution would be to prevent the player from escaping. Perhaps the gate guard tells you that not opening the gate during an earthquake is standard procedure, and the tremors have collapsed the tunnel that leads to RAF 013.