Author Topic: Combined Weapon Feats  (Read 1846 times)


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Combined Weapon Feats
« on: April 10, 2018, 12:13:14 am »
After playing this game for 460 hours, and looking at many of the builds. There are almost no builds that multi-spec into different primary weapons. Throwing is of course, sometimes used as a secondary for all the utility and damage you get with it. However no one really specs into melee and guns because there is no reason. But I'd love it if we did add some reasons, some feats that combine certain weapons from each skill set, maybe even weapons from the same skill that are widely different like chemical pistols and energy pistols.

I think the best place to start with this is feats, they have to be powerful for the multi-spec, but not broken.

Human Sheild
Melee 35
Guns 40
Dexterity: 6
Must have a pistol and knife equipped.
The player grabs an incapacitated or dazed target and uses them as a human shield. (Only works for humanoid targets)
This living shield absorbs ranged damage until they die or the duration runs out. Movement cost while holding a living shield
is doubled. Duration of the feat is 2 turns (minimum) + 1 turn for every 2 strength above the target at the time of grappling.
During the duration the players secondary/ melee weapon cannot be used as it is being used to hold the target in place
( Imagine it as the player holding a knife up to the target neck while moving around and shooting with a pistol)

This feat combines well with crippling strike and cheap shots

Emergency Buckler
Crossbows: 40
Melee: 20
Must have a crossbow equipped

The player activates this ability and uses their crossbow to parry/block incoming melee attacks. Non-Critical damaging strikes
direct the damage to the weapons durability instead of the player for X turn(s).

A skill for crossbow users that gives them a defensive option in case of emergencies,of course you could always throw nets/flashbangs
But maybe sometimes that isn't an option

Rifle Bash
Guns: 45
Melee: 30
Must have assault rifle equipped
Strength >=7

The player uses the butt end of their weapon to bash a target in melee range. This attack will daze and has a chance to incapacitate the target.

Leg Sweep
Guns: 50
Melee: 25
Strength 7:
Sniper Rifles Only

Player grabs the rifle by the barrel and swings the weapon in an arc around them in melee range, attempting the knock down the targets.
This attack will slow enemies( remove movement points for a few turns) and has a chance to knock down. Damage dealt by this attack also applies
to the weapons durability and cannot critically strike.

Chemical Injection:
Melee 40:
Guns 50:
Chemistry 35:
Chemical Pistol and Knife equipped
Dexterity >= 6

The player slashes open a wound on a target, and plants the barrel of the chemical pistol against it/ in it and injects a vial of the chemical into the target.
The target will take 300% of the chemical pistols damage each round for 3 rounds as a DoT affect. The knife attack must penetrate resistances for this ability
to work.
X turn cooldown
The chemical damage is affected by feats & equipment, if the chemical is acid the regular acid DoT applies while inside the body. Cryo and Incendiary also apply their affects as normal, proc'ing each turn.
So the target may catch ablaze or freeze from the inside. Acid entanglement cannot happen during this attack.

Dynamic Duo
Guns: 60
Chem: 45
Chemistry: 25
Perception: 7
Energy Pistol and Chemical Pistol

Charge a particularly potent blob of chemical substance and lob it onto a target to reduce their resistances by weakening their armor. They follow it up
with a powerful energy pistol shot in the same location for extra damage. ( Haven't done any math for this one)

Caber Toss
Melee: 60
Throwing: 40
Strength: >= 7
Sledgehammer only

Rear a sledge hammer back over your head and throw it at full strength at a target outside of melee range, dealing 250% of the weapons base damage
and having a chance to incapacitate. The weapon should be laying on the ground near the target or be pulled into their inventory if they die on top of it.

Feats like this, that encourage some multi-skilling for weapons. I think would be a great addition, vary play styles up, and add some more diversity.
Take most of these examples with a grain of salt, they are just a proof of concept so to speak.


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Re: Combined Weapon Feats
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2018, 12:28:17 am »
Some of those feat names are great, Caber Toss in particular.  :P

Some of these seem sort of duplicative, specifically Rifle Bash.  With that much Melee, you may as well grab Dirty Kick.  And since hit is opposed, if you have low Melee anyway, you're going to need QT to bear trap so you can automagically hit.  Unless you envision Rifle Bash hitting based on Guns, which seems a tough sell.

Things like Chemical Injection and Dynamic Duo sound like you just want another Execute so you don't have to sit out the cooldown.

And things like Caber Toss, Leg Sweep, and Emergency Buckler actually sound like you're trying to give those weapon users reason not to specialize into other weapons, but rather to increase the versatility of their existing weapon of choice.

Of course to some degree I'm hoping to see Expedition before the sun goes nova and don't want to distract the devs, but while your sentiment seems a good one, the suggestions here seem more like you're asking for a reason to sink an arbitrary and small number of points to get access to even more specialized feats for a single weapon user who doesn't have much reason to carry anything in the other hand.  Of all those feats, only Chemical Injection sounds like it actually would require high skill in both to be effective - the rest are just token point dumps and a tchotchke (or nothing) in offhand to be more awesome at your mainhand.


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Re: Combined Weapon Feats
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2018, 01:17:11 am »
That's a fair assessment, I was just hoping to get the idea out there and get some cogs moving.  Glad you like the names atleast


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Re: Combined Weapon Feats
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2018, 04:02:50 am »
Guns: 45
Melee: 30
Must have assault rifle equipped
Strength >=7

The player uses the butt end of their weapon to bash a target in melee range. This attack will daze and has a chance to incapacitate the target.

This is a great idea! RPGs never had the option to pistol whip someone or hit them with the rifle's stock. I'd recommend single-digit base damage that incapacitates if passes through armor.


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Re: Combined Weapon Feats
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2018, 02:27:21 pm »
why throw hammers when you've got spears?
Because we don't have Balor's Spear, clearly.  What else would that feat be for but hurling Balor's Hammer like some drunken, tweaking Thor spelunking through the Yggdrassil?


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Re: Combined Weapon Feats
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2018, 03:34:59 am »

Oh, I remember the game and the book...