Author Topic: Some general suggestions from my 300+ hour multiple playthroughs.  (Read 1438 times)


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Some general suggestions from my 300+ hour multiple playthroughs.
« on: September 18, 2018, 02:17:46 pm »
So firstly styg i want to congratulate you on dominating difficulty. It is a massive difficulty spike worthy of being called the hardest difficulty in a game but i have some feedback on it.

For the most part enemy placement is top notch, certain areas feel like they have enough enemies in them and feel down right challenging. However some areas, like just outside the hanging rat bar, feels a little too much ( especially since if you ask a certain someone to show you his crib, he'll die upon leaving the area if you haven't killed the bugs) maybe move some of them into the lake area and others across the river?

Along with the skill increase i think enemies should have access to higher tier equipment. Maybe not in quality but giving them access to tier 4 grenades and the occassional hercules drug ( since i know there's a random event with them) would spice things up quite nicely and give you a somewhat more clearly list of important targets to prioritize. Also serrated bolts are almost non existant on crossbow enemies on dominating. I don't know if it's intentional but i have only met 2 enemies which had only 1.

Finally some weapon discussion. I think all the weapons in the game are quite well balanced and the unique ones certainly feel nice. However my one gripe is with the mini izu. I'm a huge fan of it and it being silenced is a nice bonus. BUT. I feel you making it two-handed really robbed it of its uniqueness, as it is easily overshadowed by the nrg. A uzi can be used one-handed, maybe even make it so it requires a bit more stregth to make effective use if its burst. Plus being the only one handed smg, makes its low dmg acceptable is it can be used with riot gear and maybe in the future, even dual wieleded :P ( still remain hopeful that you'll add it someday).

Another thing since this game has such rich crafting, i was surprised you cannot create any belts or upgrade certain ones. Maybe being allowed to upgrade belts with a holster and a sheath( allowing players to always have a pistol and knife equipped which can be accessed with the shift/ctrl quick menus) It may only be useful for certain builds but it definetly make sense in a game where organising your inventory is pretty important. Also a craftable quiver would be very useful ( maybe 3 bolt types to still allow for space for grenades and such).

Overall with all the patches and efforts you've poured into the game it's real nice and i have enjoyed it throughly ( except death crawlers, congrats on creating the epitome of a cunty enemy).

Looking forward for expedition to be released!
« Last Edit: September 18, 2018, 02:36:47 pm by HammaHTime »