In the Tchortist initiation question, I am playing a Sledgehammer + Heavy Armor build and I am finding this mission impossible to pass on Hard difficulty. I need to use doors and corners to survive, and in every single attempt, an enemy stands behind a recently-opened door such that his figure is 100% obscured by that door. He cannot be targetted, and believe me I've searched for that one pixel that a seasoned Underrail veteran can usually ain't there. This has happened to me on every single attempt and it is infuriating.
This game desperately needs two new modifier keys: one key to "Hug" the ground during movement (forcing movement only, for example to avoid unintentially looting a corpse during combat), and another to enable targetting of an enemy when obscured by an object.
If anyone has a workaround for me to beat this mission please let me know. I'm new to heavy builds in general.