Author Topic: Boomerangs! (also a spear throw suggestion)  (Read 1123 times)


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Boomerangs! (also a spear throw suggestion)
« on: July 22, 2019, 02:06:46 am »
some new thrown items might also be a good idea: how about a boomerang make it a craftable utility that is affected by all the same perks as knifes boomerangs can be thrown with a cooldown of one turn (they need to return to the player) and are crafted as a permanent weapon with their own set of stats

boomerangs are a light weapon and are thus affected by dexterity ap cost reduction

boomerangs suffer accuracy penalties at close range

boomerangs can target enemies around corners
boomerangs would be affected by benefit from all throwing knife feats (except for pinning) split spare allows the boomerang to hit an additional enemy   

boomerangs have the option of being crafted with an energy core and another component such as an electroshock generator or a lens 
-the motion tracking lens increases hit chance
-seeker lens increases critical hit chance
-The smart lens allows the boomerang to ignore a set amount of mechanical dr/dt
-the adaptive lens provides a flat ap reduction
-electroshock generator is the same as on knives

Unique boomerang: The Wingshtick "hey that's my shtick" unique boomerang that targets all enemies in an area

If it doesn't already it might be a good idea to make the spear throw feat be affected by the weapon and certain feats ie. dexterity reduces cost fatal throw works on spears spear throw damage is modified by BOTH throwing and melee


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Re: Boomerangs! (also a spear throw suggestion)
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2019, 02:15:19 am »
I really, really like that idea of Spear Throws having some synergy with throwing feats (though maybe not cost reductions and everything), it's a really nice idea that would help out throwing builds.

As for the boomerang idea, returning boomerangs and boomerangs that hit things are not the same kind of Boomerang. Returning Boomerangs were used to flush out/scare birds, boomerangs that hit things were designed to fly straight so that they could be flung hard and fast in order to kill birds.


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Re: Boomerangs! (also a spear throw suggestion)
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2019, 04:47:46 am »
I'm aware boomerangs were originally tools for hunting by the aboriginals but later became toys, the non-returning boomerangs are also a lot heavier than the toys but artistic license is a wonderful thing that lets you circumvent normal conventions, besides under-rail, has laser weapons so boomerangs that can do both isn't a stretch not to mention the fact that people who know of that distinction are probably the minority.


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Re: Boomerangs! (also a spear throw suggestion)
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2019, 04:49:20 am »
I wasn't aware that the returning boomerangs were for flushing out prey though I always thought they were invented later