Author Topic: Naga Protector - mIrAcLe of black sea  (Read 1480 times)


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« on: August 02, 2019, 05:55:38 pm »
Fought few nagas before i set up one in aegis camp to improve the defences. Nagas i've fought seemed strong, lacked illogical behaviour, and used melee attack while in range.
Unlike aegis camp naga. This one is retarded. Enemies cant break through its defences. Yea, thats cool, untill retarded naga deals himself critical hit with plasma shot, taking more damage in one action, than enemies managed to deal since the beginning of whole raid. Attacking enemies in melee range with plasma shot never occured while i was fightning against nagas. It happens all the time with this damn piece of junk. None of hostile nagas had self destruct protocol. My piece of junk keeps hurting himself. Mind if i ask if its AI is ok?


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Re: Naga Protector - mIrAcLe of black sea
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2019, 12:12:00 am »
I wish I had the answer. I've seen my Naga use ranged attacks at point blank range repeatedly. Only once have I seen it swipe an enemy with its claw.

Until the third invasion, I didn't even know it had a melee attack!

(Maybe I should have put a higher power core in it. I only put one with 112-116 in there, IIRC.]


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Re: Naga Protector - mIrAcLe of black sea
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2019, 08:26:04 am »
I dont think power core is the case. Hostile Nagas had logical pattern of engage: plasma shot from afar, then shorten the distance, then melee attack. I find melee as most deadly of its skills. Usually when i fought them, keeping the distance was highest priority, cuz their melee attack were lethal.

While defending the camp, we have a bit different scenario. But i see no justification for naga to use plasma shot at point blank while there is one serpentboi left at its melee range.
Whats wrong with those scripts? No doubt NFT lost war against Biocorp if their robots just killed themselves while defending the base. I feel lucky AF that my plasma turret finds no interest in attacking dumb naga :P
« Last Edit: August 03, 2019, 08:31:47 am by Hipsternity »


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Re: Naga Protector - mIrAcLe of black sea
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2019, 02:54:52 pm »
NFT technology seems decadent in general. There was the log about the difficulty of maintaining the equipment, which necessitated moving heavy stone panels in order to access the parts. Form over function.

In fact, NFT facilities kind of remind me of the Apple headquarters: the new Apple headquarters ("spaceship campus") had problems with door installation. Apple had mandated to contractors that the doors must have extremely tight tolerances. No reason. Just Apple wanting its building to conform to the design specifications of its smartphones.

It turned out that contractors were having major problems installing the doors, and they were becoming immobile or trapping people or not allowing air to circulate. So that's what happens when some uppity company decides to implement unreasonable aesthetic and design standards in what is supposed to be a functioning facility.

NFT must have been spending way more on construction and maintenance than Biocorp. As they say in war, "the side with the best uniforms - loses." Biocorp designs around standarized, modular parts, and easy maintenance. Sure, their technology is not always pretty. But it appears to have become the standard for all of South Underrail, which has a low budget. Biocorp was probably able to mobilize and field greater military forces than NFT, which was placed on the defensive (and lost).

I haven't played all the campaign yet, but Biocorp appears to have a more mass, quantitative approach, emphasizing affordability and ease of construction / use. Those factors often prove decisive in wartime.

Back to the issue, yeah, the Nagas are whack. And its melee attack is far more devastating. I think I saw it do well over 400 damage, while most of its ranged attacks were doing about 150. The poor performance of some of its defensive equipment would help explain their loss to Biocorp!