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« on: August 02, 2019, 10:13:02 am »
« Last Edit: March 06, 2021, 09:27:38 am by beyond.wudge »


  • Tchortist
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Re: Quick Reload buttons as normal actions / dedicated shortcut
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2019, 09:11:02 pm »
Well, usually underrail is not the kind of a game you need to play with one hand, but i do not judge.

There is actually a way to do what you need with a hot bar. Take ammunition for you weapon and place it on a first htobar icon, right click it and choose "reload weapon", take your weapon and put it on a second hotbar icon. Press first one, then press second. You are reloaded.


  • Tchortist
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Re: Quick Reload buttons as normal actions / dedicated shortcut
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2019, 03:45:43 am »
It's not like I'm going to complain "it's too hard" if I'm playing one-handed

I guess you didn't get the joke. Oh well.

You have a system of actions that then have all these exceptions, a series of special actions which can't be treated like normal actions, or don't show up as normal actions in the interface, when they basically are just normal actions.  You have hotkeys for shield toggling and recharging but then don't offer the same for other items that constantly need refilling / use like the haxxor.

Because it's a good UI, meaning that usability is more important than logical consistency. Less is more.

It seems that you don't think of the implication of what you want. For example, if i have more than one haxxor, when i press one button, which haxxor should be recharged? Also, recharging and using items like haxxor is easy - just put the item itself on a hotbar and you can use it from a hotbar, put battery on another hotbar and you can charge any device on a hotbar by pressing only two buttons.

These inconsistencies in the implementation create categorical noise (which is tiring to sift through), unnecessary actions (using a more formal system like the inventory to do what are common and repetitive tasks) and false poverty (you have to use multiple action bar slots for lockpicks and haxxors that you honestly need for your combat abilities, when really, you unlock things so often it deserves a dedicated shortcut with limited smart functionality and simple feedback, i.e. you hit the lockpick key, you click the box, the lowest tier pick that will work is chosen and it's icon appears above the locking progress bar, allowing you to cancel out if you need to).

As someone who is a developer myself and had to design more than one product, i can say that simplicity of the implementation is more important than consistency or completeness. What you propose is a blatant overengineering with no real gain for increase in complexity. For starters, this smart functionality is not as smart as it sounds (like almost any "smart" functionality i've seen). For example, i need to keep attention on that icon, otherwise i may miss when it used last ordinary pick and now using my single best pick and since it's an actiona i do often, i will probably miss it couple of times. It's better to be clear - if i have a lockpick on my hotbar, not only do i see which one i use, i also can keep track of how many i have left, which allows me to choose which containers/doors i actually want to pick when i get low.

You have 30 hotbar keys, you don't have even near as many aiblities unless you are a psi, and even then it's a maybe. Just learn what you use more often and then place it on a more convenient button.