Author Topic: Trying to understand builds/ looking for gun+methathermics build  (Read 2655 times)


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Trying to understand builds/ looking for gun+methathermics build
« on: September 10, 2019, 05:32:35 pm »
Im trying to role play a lil here, trying to be edgy and such, im new and a total newbie when i comes to complex builds and stuff, and i just want a cool looking gal character with guns and fire powers, now i know i may be asking too much since this game seems to be rewarding specialization so it doesn't seems like i can go both guns and mind powers, but yeah,  i started my build trying to focus on evasion and guns mostly, kinda wanna be able to lockpick stuff and hack too, but mostly i just want a character that can kill and destroy everything in her path by lategame (or even midgame)  and im not that much into heavy armors but armors do sound kinda cool,  making this mostly because i just started playing the game, took the psi pill and i get fucked by rathounds, also i got a .44 hammerer as a starter and i can only shoot it once per turn, it does damage but not enough to one hit them so im basically kinda fucked since they can get me down in like 3 turns or 2, as much help is appreciated

here is my current build:


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Re: Trying to understand builds/ looking for gun+methathermics build
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2019, 07:09:33 pm »
I'd strongly suggest restarting. As you have already noticed, if you don't specialize, your character will be too weak to handle the enemies. If you want a pistoleer with explosions and psi, then I'd recommend guns and grenades (for explosions), with help from temporal & psychokinesis psi (which have abilities that work even with 3 will).

edit: I've misunderstood. If all you want is guns and explosion and mind powers, look up smgs builds and add psi to the mix.

For psi, it's the invested number that counts for learning psi abilities, not the effective skill, so don't worry your 3 will lowers it a bit. Once you get temporal psi to 25 and psychokinesis to 25, take the psi pill. Buy limited temporal increment from Ethan (he will actually give one ability to you for free if you play a gal). This works very well together with the grenadier feat. Throw one molotv/frag grenade in the first turn > limited temporal increment, and you can throw another in the next turn. Buy force field from Bison, and once you get psychokinesis to 30, buy electrokinesis. While the electrical damage will be low, you want electrokinesis for the very useful stun.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2019, 07:16:55 pm by chimaera »


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Re: Trying to understand builds/ looking for gun+methathermics build
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2019, 07:30:39 pm »
Thanks a lot for the help, will keep it in mind.


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Re: Trying to understand builds/ looking for gun+methathermics build
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2019, 07:39:29 pm »
Imo you will get more firepower with self-crafted grenades and tlimited temporal increment, than with metathermics on a gun character. You need only ca. 70 chemistry to craft the best molotov cocktails, mkiv HE and frag grenades. This is a far lower skill investment than maxing metathermics, which will be weak without very high will anyway.


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Re: Trying to understand builds/ looking for gun+methathermics build
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2019, 10:27:52 pm »