Author Topic: Black Sea transportation  (Read 928 times)


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Black Sea transportation
« on: September 29, 2019, 08:31:52 pm »
Hey guys, am i the only one feeling like we need some sort of fast travel? Going 10 tiles left right up down like an idiot through empty areas or stupid monsters(i Play unarmed on dominating so monsters are truly tedious cause at 300 melee i have 38 hit chance and i cant activate energy shields for some weird reason*styg wtf*). Fast travel from camp to rig and mutie village(if theyre friendly) and a fast back if tiles are discovered and the tiles have no monsters would make the expansion way less tedious, dominating crabs make me cry, and why are mage crabs stronger than colossal crabs? But i digress, give some, but not abundant fast travel to us sailors.


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Re: Black Sea transportation
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2019, 09:11:10 am »
You actually can fast travel through most of those areas, talk to Dude in Rail Crossing.