Author Topic: 19DEX SMG build, dominating difficulty need advice  (Read 5342 times)


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19DEX SMG build, dominating difficulty need advice
« on: October 09, 2019, 01:09:08 pm »
Currently lvl 16, need advice on feats selection after level 16. Also will 45 points in Psychokinesis be enough for Electrokinesis and Electrokinetic Imprint later in the game?

I was planing to take Expose weakness on lvl 16 since i still use melee to kill low hp enemies etc. but i have stockpiled a lot of wc2 ammo and later in the game i will probably have 2 SMG equipped so it seemed like a waste, also was planning on taking Cut-Throat but now it seems its kinda late for that skill, i have no problems killing humans and better ways to CC.

It just feels kinda dumb to have 350 effective melee and no melee feats. Eviscerate? Or just take Expose weakness?

I also planned to take Nimble but since i will never go over 15-20% armor penalty also seems like a waste.

Quick thinkering? Seems overkill with forcefield and Electrokinetic Imprint , also no specialization points to spare to reduce cost.


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Re: 19DEX SMG build, dominating difficulty need advice
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2019, 02:37:22 pm »
Lightning Punches, Expose Weakness, Psycho-Temporal Acceleration, Sure Step, Future Orientation.

Using Fist weapons at 4 AP with Pneumatic Hammer on will give you a much needed form of CC for the late game(I actually don't think you'd be having an easy time with the last boss on this build without it). You will find Expose Weakness very useful then, as well. Buffing the Temporal skills is very handy - you'll love it. Sure Step will make your life much easier - you're able to craft Crawler Caltrops. Use them.

If you haven't crafted some Focus Stims already... well, what are you waiting for?

I'd also lower some of the skills in Subterfuge and increase slightly Mercantile to 95 Effective and also buff Crafting a bit.


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Re: 19DEX SMG build, dominating difficulty need advice
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2019, 12:23:02 pm »
I actually don't think you'd be having an easy time with the last boss on this build without it
That build will absolutely burst-kill Tchort in one turn.  Tchort isn't the PITA with a high-volume SMG build.


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Re: 19DEX SMG build, dominating difficulty need advice
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2019, 01:15:01 pm »
It's the Psi shadows I am more worried about.


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Re: 19DEX SMG build, dominating difficulty need advice
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2019, 04:08:01 pm »
After some testing and reloading I settled on this:

In my playthrough, I took Blindsiding and Versatility before Expose weakness thinking I can just go by with ap bullets, terrible mistake.

This build was really strong in the base game, didn't go to DC yet but with this stealth, mobility and burst damage I can't foresee any major problems. There were some really resource-intensive and expensive fights but overall really smooth and powerful. I don't take pickpocket so money is really a BIG issue especially early.

Expansion is another story, Jetski combat is a reload fest. Just started Expedition, think I reloaded more in B5 in Black Sea than the entire base game combined. If you cant initiate combat on your terms build is absolutely terrible.


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Re: 19DEX SMG build, dominating difficulty need advice
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2019, 07:00:45 pm »
With this dex, you are very efficient with energy and chemical pistols, you should use them in combination(very good CC, vs bots/machines,...). Cooked shot is a good feat if you are using traps and molotovs on choke points bursting targets.

I like your build. Not convinced by interloper and blindsiding however.


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Re: 19DEX SMG build, dominating difficulty need advice
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2019, 11:48:49 am »
Interloper is a huge QoL for stealth builds, I would take it sooner if I could. 
Blindsiding is a mediocre feat, but 15% more damage lingers for the whole first round of combat so it is useful in quickly dispatching priority targets.

Chemical pistols are great but I already have grenades, traps, psi, and melee as backup/cc options, also carry weight issues and two weapons slots. If you have any suggestions on chem pistol SMG build please post it.


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Re: 19DEX SMG build, dominating difficulty need advice
« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2019, 08:35:33 am »
Dominating and QOL not working well together... Currently playing a crossbow versatile, and it is pain not to be able to carry the necessary until level 20 or more...

For build examples with Guns/SMG/Melee, there are possibilities to go to the crit road: 30% with SI, 15% with Focus Stim, 7% with recklessness, 3% with Body Horror, 15% with Seeker Google, 10% with Impala = 80% crit chance (you could reach even more on melee)
The build is not fully Min/Max and is just theory at this stage. Feats are probably not in perfect order.

You lose Full Auto and Expertise but you should hit stronger. You are as well very deadly with Energy. If you want to use less SMG, you could even drop AGI to raise INT and/or CON. This way, you can take Mad Chemist and use better Chemical pistols.

With your current build, are you struggling to hit high evasion enemies ?


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Re: 19DEX SMG build, dominating difficulty need advice
« Reply #8 on: October 14, 2019, 01:52:41 am »
I found your build very good I would only change premeditation for critical power, giving an even greater boost to SMG damage, without modifying your build much


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Re: 19DEX SMG build, dominating difficulty need advice
« Reply #9 on: October 14, 2019, 07:56:55 pm »
For build examples with Guns/SMG/Melee, there are possibilities to go to the crit road: 30% with SI, 15% with Focus Stim, 7% with recklessness, 3% with Body Horror, 15% with Seeker Google, 10% with Impala = 80% crit chance (you could reach even more on melee)
I don't like crit builds, I always try to minimize RNG, especially in paper-thin builds like these where you have to plan what enemies to take out and where to GTFO. And even in crit build, I would never drop Expertise on SMG, 20 x 50+ bullets per round is serious damage, and you cant play every fight with SI, etc.
I had terrible experiences in this game with builds like these, you miss one-two 95% shots, you don't crit for a while, you roll low damage on weapon and you are reloading for 10th time.

But I could drop Interloper or Blindsiding for Recklessness and go with Infused Rathound and crit Goggles for a nice damage bonus when it happens, I'm gonna restart this build from level 10 save and try it when I finish the expansion, some crit will definitely make thing better and more interesting.
With your current build, are you struggling to hit high evasion enemies?
Not really, even if I don't stun/incapacitate/trap them. My effective guns skill is equivalent to having guns maxed with ~14 perception, and I almost never attack out of melee range. Also, I spray such ridiculous amounts of bullets each round that it does not really matter.
I found your build very good I would only change premeditation for critical power, giving an even greater boost to SMG damage, without modifying your build much
Premeditation is the most powerful feat in the game, I don't think I could finish dominating without it. At least not with minimal save/reload. Also, only SMG that would benefit from Critical power is Steel Cat, and it has high AP costs.