too simple is what you say: you can't find many mkIII for sale, and they costs a lot, so either you need ways to make money, wich probably means feats and/or skill points, or you need chemistry too, wich makes you need likely 120 to 150 skill points to make that thing effective as you say...then you need to carry the nades around, this could even not be a problem but still adds to everything else, and you crits only with the correspondent feat added, while 45 skill points makes pyrokinesis already effective for some purposes, and with a single feat it becomes even better, with the chance to proc burning. This, on top of the fact that with the same 45 skill points you also get cryokinesis and cryostasis, and pyro stream too wich sometimes is very useful...dump a few skill points in more and you get the cryo ball wich is even better, and obviously all of that adds to opportunist feat, wich increases the damage output as much as the goggles do (while you can also have goggles and opportunist).
There's a lot to keep into account with those skills and feats, and not all of it is as easily to put in raw math as many people think...for example, pyrokinesis can be useful to cheese enemies in the place you want them, with no cost.