Author Topic: [Expedition] Can't get Aran's ambush to trigger.  (Read 2620 times)


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[Expedition] Can't get Aran's ambush to trigger.
« on: January 07, 2020, 11:42:39 am »
I returned from the Black Sea with the Acorn, met Aran at the bar and when he started demanding the Acorn, I denied having it in my possession. This caused him to get mad and make some threats about how this is not the last I'm seeing of him.

Since then I've cleared the main quest up until the DC Elevator quest, and have tried hanging around the places he's supposed to attack you (Home basement, Rail Crossing train platforms, and "Core City slums" although I have no idea which location that specifically means so I just go strolling in the dangerous neighbourhoods) but no luck so far. The Acorn is still in my possession.

Should I try selling it off and then see if he comes for me? Or did I mess up by pretending not to have the Acorn during our first meeting? I don't particularly need his gear but I like collecting uniques.


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Re: [Expedition] Can't get Aran's ambush to trigger.
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2020, 07:23:36 am »
from my experience, he'd show up after you fast travel.
House : after you used a rift from another place TO your basement.
Rail Crossing : after you disembark from the train, from another settlement TO rail crossing.