Author Topic: Add an "apologize" option  (Read 767 times)


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Add an "apologize" option
« on: June 10, 2020, 05:08:32 pm »
The game has rare moments where you have combat allies. I see why they are rare...the game doesn't really handle combat allies...well.

Just did the black crawlers quest...yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
It was going perfect, zoned them out, had them fighting eachother, threw an incendiary.

On the last two enemies, one of my "allies" runs into the fire I made of their own volition. They all then turn hostile towards me....even after killing the black crawlers LOL nope you gotta die.

I would like to point out this has happened EVERY time (2-3 fights so far) I have been in a "group" fight, or have had allies. Some slight damage or them damaging themselves turns them irrevocably hostile. Its obnoxious.

ESPECIALLY when THEY themselves are doing the damage to...themselves, simply by walking into my hazards. There is no way to say "sorry" or bring up dialog nope just redo the whole fight. And HOPE it doesn't happen again. I have mentioned it elsewhere but other games have had this issue and have all come up with solutions for said issue in their later releases usually letting you "apologize" or something. Please fix.