Author Topic: Out-of-game warning about the point of no return  (Read 1224 times)


  • Zoner
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Out-of-game warning about the point of no return
« on: July 09, 2020, 05:29:17 pm »
I've played several runs most of the way through before getting the restart-itch and running a new build, so I've finally taken one all the way to DC. Knowing that it was coming, I prepped for it, but even having a general sense of it, it's still a tough area.

I think a simple warning about "who knows how long you'll be stuck down there - better prepare and finish everything you need to do" would be great, especially since you can unintentionally make some very important and powerful groups hostile before you set foot in there.

Rubric Sorcerer

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Re: Out-of-game warning about the point of no return
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2020, 08:34:07 pm »
Callous as it is to say, the Deep Caverns are consistently built up in the game as being a place where the most dangerous wildlife and factions go to have their big fights. It's the home of the Faceless and even the Tchortists themselves tell you that, only the very best of the Rassophores are sent down there to guard Tchort, and it's influence is the only thing that even allows them to hold onto their territory. Every time dialogue comes up about the DC, it's laden with synonyms for deadly, lethal, and for turning your life span into the measure of minutes.

Therefore, by the time you get to the DC, you should be in the habit of making many, many hard saves. Especially in regards to this near game-length slew of warnings you've been given. The sheer scale of events surrounding the Institute of Tchort should be a good enough sign that some major shit is going to go down, and you should be very well prepared before you make further moves.


  • Zoner
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Re: Out-of-game warning about the point of no return
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2020, 09:00:44 pm »
I think it's more that I didn't know I was about to go to Deep Caverns. I *did* have a general sense of what was going on. but it's a pretty rapid change from what you think you're doing to what you end up doing. The NPC in the triggering quest tells you to get the hell out of dodge, but in order to complete it you have to talk to Eidein - which is explicitly not getting the hell out of dodge. Then, if you follow him down that elevator, you're committing to DC (not sure if you can go back up to his office, but you can't leave through those other hallways).

Honestly, my first reaction was to leave the Institute like the friendly masked man told me to, only to find out that doesn't move the quest forward. That kind of threw me off.


  • Zoner
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Re: Out-of-game warning about the point of no return
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2020, 09:02:28 pm »
But you are correct, this game has trained me about making hard saves periodically. After taking the slowest elevator in all of South Underrail, I just reloaded my save  :D