Author Topic: Crawler bug  (Read 1817 times)


  • Tchortist
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Crawler bug
« on: July 06, 2020, 05:25:50 pm »
Hello. Just came across a bug where crawlers have way more stealth than they should, making them ridiculously stealthy, and I believe it happened due to a possible mistake where one additional number was accidentally pressed while setting the crawler stealth number, or that a random number generator was involved when setting the stealth number, between 100 stealth and 400.


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Re: Crawler bug
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2020, 05:37:03 pm »
There are different types of Crawlers.  Any chance you found a Death Stalker?  They're extremely stealthy, and it's not a bug.

edit: I mean, it is a bug.  The crawler, that is.  It's a bug.  But it's not a bug that the bug bugs you.


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Re: Crawler bug
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2020, 01:51:23 pm »
If you don't have really high PER, you are going to have to find other ways to spot them. A good way to tell if there are Crawlers / Death Stalkers in the area is;

1. The area is really quiet. (no ambiance, rat hound howls)
2. The area appears to be empty initially. (You don't see any enemies at all)
3. It's dark and / or has places to hide like little alcoves and pillars.
4. You see a dead creature already in the area when you get there such as the corpse of a person or rathound.
5. There are lit flares in the area.

There are times when Crawlers / Death Stalkers just kind of appear out of nowhere, but often times you can tell when they are in an area.

Shredded Cheddar

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Re: Crawler bug
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2020, 03:20:42 pm »
Very nice breakdown Elite, I just wanted to add that I believe they often appear near red mushroom patches in caves.


  • Zoner
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Re: Crawler bug
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2020, 05:30:20 pm »
Let me also expand detail ways to detect them since I alluded to it and you seem to need the help;

It may be worth also detailing the stealth system a bit to start.
It actually works the same way both for the player and NPCs. It's not a raw check of your detection vs their stealth, there are factors that play into it and it comes in a gradient.

In the same way that NPCs will have the eye above them that goes from green to red, you essentially do the same thing to them. Even though you may not have the detection to see them from far away, you can often "perceive" them. Think of "perceiving" something as being that orange eye. You are pretty sure something is there, but you aren't 100%. When you "perceive" something, it will actually show up as a dark outline of whatever it is, so if you're careful you can "spot" death stalkers / crawlers without actually outright revealing them.

This is actually really useful because in this state (provided they also don't detect you) the NPC won't start combat, giving you the drop on them.

Another factor is facing. If I am facing forward and looking toward the rear-end of a stealthed Death Stalker, I'll detect it much more easily. The opposite is also true. If I am facing away from the Death Stalker and it is looking right at me, I will most likely be taken by complete surprise, even with high PER.

Lastly, time. The longer you sit still and observe an area the better you may be able to detect things around you. If you suspect a stealthed enemy, slowly approach and wait a while. Remember how stealth works the same for you and NPCs? Waiting a bit allows that eye to fill up and possibly go to the next level.

So now on to how to detect Death Stalkers.

Should the above method fail you, there are still many options.

If you suspect a Crawler / Death Stalker at a certain spot (or you know its there but cant see it) simply toss a flair or your explosive of choice over there. Any throwable (minus throwing knives) works for this. I have found that Molotovs, Nail Grenades, and Stingball grenades work really well for this purpose.

You can also bait them into a trap. See, Death Stalkers and Crawlers are just stupid bugs and will happily walk over damn near any trap, even caltrops. Set your trap of choice (preferably at a chokepoint) make some noise, then wait for the stupid little bugger to walk into it.

If you're a real Alpha-Chad, you can even Yell them out of stealth. Way cool.

If you get stung and it goes through, don't panic. If its a crawler, simply take an antidote and go after it.
If its a Death Stalker you'll need to act quickly. The animation that plays after they sting you isn't really indicative of what happens. It seems to imply that the creature is gone, but what they really do is restealth right in front of you. With that in mind you can try and locate the Death Stalker before you are stunned.

You can make your best effort via employing the methods above, or even attempt to bump into it as I am prone to doing. If you don't like your chances of finding it, run as far away as you can (if you have really high MP maybe dial it back a bit) and get into a chokepoint. Most of the time the DS will not reach you until after you recover from the stun, often times being right in front of you or really close. Simply walk forward and BAM, Death Stalker!

That's kind of a meme-tier way to do it and it doesn't really work on groups of them so your results may vary.

I hope this is helpful to you and any other new players that may be having trouble with the creepy crawlies.


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Re: Crawler bug
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2020, 06:11:23 pm »
Nice post Elite.

Another approach that I am using right now is to build partly or fully towards countering such critters without detecting them first. I will outline it for the sake of wondering new players.

My own build:

-10 CON, Conditioning feat, Thick skull feat = ability to tank their damage and take the stun without much trouble
-Traps + Quick Tinkering = lay down bear trap to catch them on the return after they crawl away
-Riot Gear, sturdy, (no shield) = about 50% mechanical melee damage resistance, extra hit points

With these precautions, Death Stalker stings seems like a slight tickle, and you have plenty of time to deal with them.
Mechanical damage resistance is good, as that is their primary damage type.

Also, remember we can use bandages to heal up after they have stung you and crawled away, because you are out of combat! And it does *not* trigger the anti-drug hyperallergenic effect.
So as long as we can survive their initial sting withiut taking too much damage or being stunned, these critters are pretty harmless.

Other options to happily wade into a nest of crawlers:
-Good metal armor
-Low conservative shield on at all times when exploring caves
-Decent throwing skill + incendiaries equipped

But in my humble opinion, having good constitution is the best defense, and it works against everything in the game.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2020, 06:14:41 pm by Bruno »


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Re: Crawler bug
« Reply #6 on: July 14, 2020, 12:43:27 pm »
Also important to reduce their crit chance - groin guard and metal helmet with anti-crit, Paranoia feat.