Author Topic: Epione Lab Dominating - Force Field change make this impossible?  (Read 1631 times)


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Playing on the latest patch, this area is brutal, and I haven't figured out a way to get past the first guards at the entrance. Right off the bat, there are 2 snipers, and 2 shock troopers who easily one shot me (Also 2 heavy gunners and 1 shield dude). The real issue is that there isn't anywhere to really take cover here, so you're forced to take the blunt of all attacks, and I haven't made it past round 1 yet....  lvl 23 & build for reference:

Normally my solution would be clever usage of Force Field + zone control. Give yourself cover while at the same time, forcing enemies to path a certain direction towards you, causing groupage, easy 'nade combo's, etc. However with the new Force Field change, this strat just isn't possible anymore. Literally, Its almost completely useless now (or maybe just useless on dominating). So far its gone like this: I deploy FF -> sniper one shots FF -> other sniper or shock trooper 1 shots me.

Doesn't it seem a little heavy handed that Force Field went from being invincible, to being easily 'one-shot'able by most enemies? Doesn't it seem like there should be a middle ground? At least give it enough hp to guarantee that its not gonna fall over like a house of cards the first time an enemy touches it. I'm OK with it being destructible, but I think it deserves a significant bump in HP. 3x hp? Even then it would only take a few enemies to destroy it.

This post turned into half suggestion, half desperate cry for help 8)
What are thoughts on the new FF?
What are some strategies I can try to dominate these protectorate cans? send help


  • Oculite
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Re: Epione Lab Dominating - Force Field change make this impossible?
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2020, 10:14:01 pm »
Well, forcefield can at least counter a strong attack like a snipers aimed shot, forcing them to waste it on it and not on you.  Can you flashbang one or two of the problem enemies and forcefield the other(s)?  Can you combine morphine/aegis/shield emitter to tank sniper shots?  With an epistol build, you ought to be able to get your crit chance up pretty high (I see you have ambush) to one-shot these guys.
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Re: Epione Lab Dominating - Force Field change make this impossible?
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2020, 10:36:05 pm »
Ya, so far my best start is flash'nade two snipers, one shot shock trooper. Then try to run to cover behind the seating for cover.. I lasted until third round when they finally got me. Damage is so high here and build isn't really able to tank for too long, especially with EMPs and aimed shots. Might come back to this later.


  • Oculite
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Re: Epione Lab Dominating - Force Field change make this impossible?
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2020, 11:26:43 pm »
I think you should be able to do it.  Contraction + adrenaline + doctors belt (focus stim, morphine, aegis), maybe a cloaking device to make your ambush more reliable, maybe an incendiary grenade to get people on fire so you can ambush.  You should be 1-shotting them, and with that dex and these action point boosts, you should be able to several dead in one round, even after a grenade and drugs. 

You should consider getting pyromania feat so you can shoot premeditated fireballs to light people on fire.
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