Author Topic: About to do Deep Caverns for the first time  (Read 1749 times)


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About to do Deep Caverns for the first time
« on: November 05, 2020, 07:42:02 pm »
Despite having had like, 3-4 playthroughs that got pretty late game, I'm now for the first time at the end of a playthrough that managed to complete all the content, Expedition included, outside of Deep Caverns.

My build is Spear + Riot Armor shield, with Three-Pointer and Grenadier for grenades. I have 112 chemistry and 130 biology, without workbenches.

Without going too much into spoiler territory, is there anything I would regret bringing with me into DC? My typical adventuring gear weights 150, and I can carry up to 250, so I can bring about 100 kilos worth of spare resources. If I go into this with a full inventory, am I just going to be weighted down until I can find a place to settle?

I was thinking of bringing a stock of spare Mk 4 and Mk 5 grenades, lots of electronics repair kits (my two spears are electric and energy), maybe some plasma grenades, and some of the rarer biology resources (I assume there's nothing to make Hypercerebrix or other Expedition drugs down there).

« Last Edit: November 05, 2020, 07:47:05 pm by haze1103 »


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Re: About to do Deep Caverns for the first time
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2020, 10:29:51 pm »
Bring stealth equipment along with everything else you said. 


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Re: About to do Deep Caverns for the first time
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2020, 11:07:32 pm »
I include stealth equipment with the "typical adventuring gear". I got a 60 stealth infused cave hopper leather armor, 44 stealth tabi boots, a 22 stealth balaclava, and a 70 stealth cloaking device. Also, I have 6 AGI (I kind of wanted Sweep) and 60 skill points in stealth. I have Nimble, Armor Sloping, and Body Weight Training, so I can kind of stealth in riot gear (it does have a +40 stealth overcoat on it) with the tabi boots.

I think I'll be good on that front.

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Re: About to do Deep Caverns for the first time
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2020, 07:23:46 pm »
Bring bio-resistant gear, six TNT charges, mechanical repair kits, adrenaline shots (as many as you can find), and Advanced patching kits if you use light armor. As they appear to be relatively difficult to find down there. Also, some helpful tips, stealth gear does not matter, the only enemy you'll have to evade moves extremely slowly, speed/time management is your most important ability in the deep caverns, not stealth, though it can help if you make a mistake. Oh, also bring a jackhammer.


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Re: About to do Deep Caverns for the first time
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2020, 07:53:01 pm »
I actually forgot to bring TNT charges, but fortunately, I was friendly with the Faceless and found plenty in their warehouses. I do agree that the stealth gear was not as useful as I expected, since Eye of Tchort seems to behave as if a camera was constantly pointed on you: the enemies just "smell" your presence and bump you pretty fast.

I ended up finding the jackhammer more useful than the TNT - seemed to attract less tchortlings for some reason.

Overall, I feel like doing DC after Expedition content might make it easier than expected? Maybe I'll try doing it at level 25 next playthrough just to see the difference.