I'm guessing that the player may originally be from northern Underrail, since the seem unfamiliar with many of the locations and creatures inhabiting the south. SGS is just the largest independent station, which is why many important characters reside there. The station is free from the influence of biocorp, the procterate, and the oligarchs, so it makes sense that people wanting to keep a low profile would head there. There isn't any evidence to suggest that Vivian is still alive, and Ola seems genuinely sad about her death, based on his reaction when the player says they don't care about her, but I suppose he could be faking it. I think the canisters are just meant to be godmen technology or something of the sort, since they don't seem to do anything specific.
Another lore thought is that Hank Wardell, the previous inhabitant of your house in core city, is going to be the protagonist of infusion, since infusion is supposedly a prequel. The Housing corp guy said he likes to go spelunking, perform experiments, leave his house empty for weeks at a time, and randomly leave people in the middle of conversations, things that the player character is prone to doing.