Author Topic: Titan Boxer Build [Heavyweight]  (Read 3867 times)


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Titan Boxer Build [Heavyweight]
« on: August 01, 2021, 02:07:48 am »
Punching builds have been a thing since release, being incredibly versatile and strong in their multiple variations, but so far I have never seen discussions or even mentions on a very very strong feat one can build your boxing bu- erm…character around, and that is Heavyweight.

Heavyweight tremendously weaponizes your Armor Penalty (AP) by turning it into Critical Damage Bonus for your fist attacks without any kind of fall-off, so naturally, this guide will maximize both AP and Critical Chance for unstoppable tanking and titanic onslaught.

The bare basics

We will wear the most heavy and sturdy pieces of gear in the game to obtain the highest possible AP, capitalizing on our mighty damage resistance and threshold to face tank everything* while our punches deal up to 300 damage.

I will be suggesting and using Survival Instincts for this build, a feat that forces one to play under a sliver of health for greatly enhanced crit chance, however we aren’t some punny glassy cannon, because our our incredible defences and actual maximum amount of health points (more than 600 HP at full health), we can play around each encounter differently, as we can simply “overheal” past the threshold where Survival Instincts is active to survive tough encounters.

Finally add the incredible damage spikes that Pneumatic hammers add to leather gloves, more than enough to make hilariously big holes in everything that moves.

I will continue mentioning what I consider to be the most optimal feats, equipment and skills to make the best out of the core idea of this build.

PSI – Psionics are a welcome addition to any build, and here is no different, Temporal manipulation ignores the AP penalty to movement points to become incredibly mobile and make our cooldowns expire at light speed. Additionally, Psychokinesis offers incredible choke holding potential, stuns and damage at affordable investments, all with just 3 WILL !

Gear- The new update brought us a neat little item we use to its fullest, one could say it was made for Heavyweight Synergy, and that’s the Iron Head helmet, boasting incredible 50 AP it will drastically increase out damage output, while being considerably sturdy.
For the main armor, nothing but tungsten, using study vests for general use and galvanic vests when preparing for shock bolts (as resisting electric damage helps at resisting the stun as well)

For belts there is only one real chose and that’s the Doctor Pouch, more medications mean more punches, it's proven math, see ?.

There is a honorable mention however, if you do get the chance to get the Master Demolitionist belt, it allows for very very powerful “fuck you and your friends” button in the form of as much as 6 grenades exploding all at once at your feet, using it and surviving literally unscathed *demands* you to use a 4 plate reinforced metal armor, otherwise some damage can slip in, depending on how high quality the materials are, it can be chip damage or literally 0. Incredibly fun to use (Only for the DOMINATING DIFFICULTY)

For boots We switch between reinforced tungsten boots (for caltrop immunity) and Infused Ancient Rathound boots, these give a fixed 20% critical damage bonus for unarmed and fist weapon attacks, you cant have enough of that.

Weapons- Combat leather gloves with pneumatic hammer add on are all what’s needed, however The Claw is a very powerful unique because of its scaling bio damage split, small as it may seem, that fraction can crit as well as be modified by the crit bonus, on top of applying bleed and contamination stacks, and being buffed moderately by Cave Ear poison, not to be missed.

The build

As always feedback is appreciated

Video on this one soon


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Re: Titan Boxer Build [Heavyweight]
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2021, 07:30:17 am »
Wouldn’t it make more sense to use unarmed instead of leather gloves? At 9 dex (8 base+eel sandwich) you get 7 7ap unarmed punches with tabis, compared to 5 9 ap punches with leather gloves. You also get greatly superior damage with unarmed compared to leather gloves, since unarmed damage is multiplicative with strength compared to additive with gloves, and you can also take the unarmed combat feats to boost damage by an additional 40%. You can use a nail bomb at the start of combat to quickly get TFB stacks without blades on your armor and tear through entire crowds of enemies with little effort.


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Re: Titan Boxer Build [Heavyweight]
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2021, 08:07:23 pm »
What ShoggothWhisperer said. Also - Why take Iron Head, if Reinforced tungsten can get you to 95% AP already. It is a mediocre helmet imo. Better get some Flashbang immunity or what not 😄
Also, Force Barrier is garbage now and without Force User - more so 😅
Btw, running SI with tank build is imho a NO GO. You do take a ton of punishment with tank build, and here you only 'tank' physical. You are immobile on a melee build that screams for use of Fancy Footwork... I get the appeal of big numbers, but getting them will be agony... I think at most go for some Unsloped Armor Super Steel, or Sloped Reinforced Supersteel armor for around 50% Armor Penalty and still good DR and DT + keeping mobility to get out of sight of nasties. ...but then, SI builds don't like taking hits, so take it with a grain of salt.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2021, 12:29:24 pm by RewRatt »


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Re: Titan Boxer Build [Heavyweight]
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2021, 10:41:05 am »
For he spec'd Heavy Weight 4 times, Heavy Weight now grants 133% critical damage bonus(95*1.4=133) when his armor penalty reaches 95% cap, and his build also has Cheap Shots. If he spec'd Heavy Weight 5 times(which I hope to recommend, cause killing enemies that exposed their weakness in 2 turns will be fairly easy for this build), Heavy Weight will grant 142.5% crit damage bonus.

Crit damage bonus will be 466% = (133 Heavy Weight + 50 Cheap shots) * 2 Critical Power + 100

Usual Combat Glove using grass cannon's 10 spec Cheap Shots + 5 spec Critical Power critical damage bonus will be 350% = 100 Cheap Shots * 2.5 Critical Power +100

He can also add Heavy Punch feat in his build if he want, and his build has Combo(with 16 STR using Pneumatic Gloves).

Btw, there is a tanker build with SI + Fight Response, which focused on Damage Reduction. Not a powerful build though, but still Dominating viable.

5 spec'd Conditioning(24% mech, fire, cold reduction at 14 Con) + 5 spec'd Stoicism(36% reduction to all at 4% health) + Lifting Belt(5% mech reduction) + Ancient Rathound Leather Armor and Tabis(10% mech reduction) + Aegis(15% reduction to all) + Mushroom Brew(10% mech reduction) grant mechanical immunity, and invulnerability when using Morphine Shots.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2021, 11:54:55 am by ilhwang77 »


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Re: Titan Boxer Build [Heavyweight]
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2021, 11:38:02 am »
What I really wonder is not how hard his build can hit, but how he can survive, and how to reach his enemies with 3 AGI + 95% Armor Penalty(He has PTC, but 20 MP can never be enough for melee build).

This build may work like Hammer Wizard with inferior survivability and superior damage dealing abilities.

And I think if he add Grenadier(or use Master Demolitionist Belt) he will kill much much more with his nades than his fist or gloves.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2021, 12:23:23 pm by ilhwang77 »


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Re: Titan Boxer Build [Heavyweight]
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2021, 12:27:07 pm »
What I really wonder is not how hard his build can hit, but how he can survive, and how to reach his enemies with 3 AGI + 95% Armor Penalty(He has PTC, but 20 MP can never be enough for melee build).

This build may work like Hammer Wizard with inferior survivability and superior damage dealing abilities.

And I think if he add Grenadier(or use Master Demolitionist Belt) he will kill much much more with his nades than his fist or gloves.

That was my point. Damage is pointless if it can't be delivered. SI melee build without movement is dead build, no matter your res, as a ton of enemies deal non-phys damage.